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sure, me too, my friends have younger brothers, some are babies like 2 years old, some are beginning to talk, some I have grown up my whole life. I carried him around, fed him, now he is 8, is it weird that I consider him my friend? almost like a little brother?


You're completely changing the topic. I'm talking about interacting with minors you don't know online or irl. Reaching out to them to form "friendships" or whatever you want to call them. You're talking about interacting with your friends brother. Wayyy different.


you said they are annoying, I am showing a circumstance where they are not, you need to think, not hyperfocus on one point, get off vlr and go make some friends


because you're interacting with them in a supervisory/guardian way. You literally listed those examples of you feeding him. But I'm done talking about this with weirdos like you. I have plenty of friends I'm happy with. I suggest spending some time with people your age, maybe your brain will mirror their maturity instead of the kids you hang out with


oop, strawman argument, plus not taking the time to understand the other persons position, but you probably scroll through 12 hours of brain rot a day so I imagine your intuition to not be very strong


Strawman fallacy this, oop that, you need to spend some time outside twitter threads. I'm not sure how you're misinterpreting what I'm saying so I'll say it in the most clear terms.

I have stated in multiple threads that interacting with children in a social manner is weird behavior. I am saying this as a 22 year old so maybe its just weirder to me because I may be older than you. For example, if I was in a game of Valorant and there was a 13 year old on my team and I decided to add them afterwards, that is plain weird. I am actively seeking that relationship out. It isn't weird because it's sexual, its weird because my maturity level is different and me interacting with that child would be exhausting/annoying so why would I do that? What level of friendship would we have?

You came back to me with an example of you interacting with someone you're close enough to call "little brother." Feeding him, carrying him. While I don't have siblings, I grew up with my cousins who are way younger than me. For example, they're all in middle school/high school. They're older than your friends brother but I have similar experiences. I take them to practices, am there when they need advice, I'll play Fifa with one of them if he wants to etc... These are my duties/roles as the "older brother" figure. I didn't ask for it, but it is my responsibility.

These are two different scenarios yet you're putting them together as if some stranger on the internet was the same as your cousin/brother. I'm just not sure what you're arguing here? Like what are you pressed about? That I don't hang out with underage children? If you want to have a good conversation, then go ahead. But if you're just going to act like you're getting impressions on a tweet, I'm done here.


lmaoo "good conversation" stop with this holier-than-thou attitude. you literally told me to go make friends my own age as if you know everything about. then you go on to ramble with paragraphs and you have the audacity to tell other people to get jobs and make friends when you are spending time arguing on vlr.gg. your 22 yet attacking artemis who is 16 for talking to 10 year olds, where is the problem in that? If you watch porn and are a sex addict, i can see where the problem would lie...


If you notice, after I learned he was 16, I stopped responding. There's no point to it. I'm also at work and getting paid to respond to you at this very moment. And yet you didn't touch on a single thing I said. It's ok though. I assumed you wouldn't because you can't. Hell I'm even proud of you for not saying Allat and actually writing a paragraph out, even if its filled with garbage.


No, I am not constantly monitoring your vlr activities, my apologies, my dearest. And I could reply to your message (that being your "analogy" is nowhere near what artemis was saying at what people are accusing him of), but I really have better things to do than argue with an arrogant 22 year old.


My entire point across this whole thread and other threads was that having a relationship with a child online, especially when there is a 5-10 year age gap and you don't know them is weird. You were able to boil that down using your smooth brain to "if you can't have a relationship with any child, you're a freak." I'm not being arrogant, you're just being stupid.


idk whats going on here but where did velocity state he does not have friends of his age that he is not happy with? you talk about maturity when you personally attack someone who's setting up a proper argument


how is that different u are still friends with someone much younger why does it matter how u meet

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