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My entire point across this whole thread and other threads was that having a relationship with a child online, especially when there is a 5-10 year age gap and you don't know them is weird. You were able to boil that down using your smooth brain to "if you can't have a relationship with any child, you're a freak." I'm not being arrogant, you're just being stupid.


so you are 22,
you cant talk to 17 year olds online without it being weird?
thats interesting man, hope you can find some help


You're twisting my words again. I've probably interacted with 17 years olds here while talking about valorant, probably in my comp games and more places. The difference is, I don't add them as friends or ask for their discords etc. I don't have a personal relationship with them. I don't know why keep trying to condense my argument of "actively seeking and having a close, 1:1 relationship with a minor you don't know is bad" to "interacting with all minors is bad"


so if you meet two guys on valorant, one 18, another 17.8 years old, your gonna miss out on a friendship just cause he is .2 years off legal age. how come?


Haha dude stop trying to put words in my mouth. You called me out for a strawman and you've been doing it with almost every reply. If you've actually been reading and comprehending what I'm saying, I've been talking about large age gaps. Like a 22 year old talking with a 13 year old. I'd say a 2 year age gap is a good rule of thumb for minors. 16-18 / 14-16 etc.

And to answer the specific question you asked. I wouldn't add either of them, not that it would be weird, I just don't add a lot of people. I just play with friends I know. That's a personal thing.

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