Triibal [#17]
my point
i have to go sova (bc my mates cant play more than 2 agents that mostly dont work on the map) --> we get a reyna --> no entry
i break util, shock, and whatnot
like 0 kills of my dart, broken util doesnt matter if we cant entry bc were missing dive and clove solo smokes
bro if you are going to post criticising your teammates, at least pick a game where you weren't fragging out, especially against silver players! no one will take you seriously now because there is an issue with players often blaming others when they could have done better. i hardly ever blame teammates, and you have no right to either, especially if you are any lower than immortal, unless you have done absolutely everything you can to win. you can blame the map, the players, the enemies but at the end of the day the only thing that you can control is your own performance and the morale of your team. that is why theres no point ranting until you have truly looked at yourself and you actually did everything you could possibly do correctly. did you trade, did you adapt to your teammates where possible? did you make sure to never die alone or over peek? did you bait your team? did you hit your shots (although this is not super important if you do everything else right)? sorry for the rant and im not just talking about you, but in general. unless you couldnt have done better, its not ok to call out others unless they literally go afk or throw on purpose.