All things considered I think BLG could walk away with an easier win than anticipated. I don’t have too much to say about FPX, and while I deplore using such crude language to describe teams that work hard and want to win, the current FPX could fit the description of a crippled carp in a pond of alligators. Life looks the opposite of his name and BerLIN might as well have an iron curtain over his eyes because AAAAY is not going to have a siuuuuuuper nice time going up against a BLG who I think could very well be the 3rd/2nd strongest team in the region right now.
Yosemite cook.
BLG 2-0 win sorry FPX I hope you prove me wrong
Using myself as an example but if you calculate my entire predicting career from Evolution you’ll see that I have an accuracy rate of roughly 72% give or take.
Also, why poke fun at others hobbies? Making a prediction doesn’t hurt anyone but the dumb bettors who would blindly listen to a random netizens opinions.