It doesn't mean anything. It was just a matchfixing. Nothing major.
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | June 27, 2024 |
Last post: | March 19, 2025 at 7:56 AM |
Posts: | 78 |
It doesn't mean anything. It was just a matchfixing. Nothing major.
Why are these Turkish teams so dumb? These guys don't check any bombs, they just run and get bombed by 4 players
This CGN team is rotten. You're crazy.
This is absurd, I had never seen something so blatant like that the player didn't want to shoot when he took aim
damn LOOK AT THAT 1x1 pistol. what a blatant match. spring didn't want to hit the player hahaha
Full China team
8x6 tr map 8x13 HAHAHAHA
It's very disgusting how clearly edg is trying hard to lose. Finally, life covers this rubbish
If I say what I hope will happen with these EDG games oh oh oh
haha this tln team is too stupid. what a team of frauds. I will be ashamed again
Nice odds 1.16 😂
yes 11x9 vs eco 12x14 damn worms
1 round ct ascent hahah cool
These guys don't have the level to compete for anything. I'm having trouble with these screens
Damn, how can these sad esports guys be that bad? incredible. what an ugly team to watch haha
7x7 to 7x13 hahaha losing every round of advantage. bunch of idiots.
I became a bigger hater of this team of losers. horrible.
how can a time bring together the 5 biggest losers on the scene and expect something good?
giantx are very bad. this is the truth. the kru who delivered several rounds.
gg tec playing like an idiot. rekt for gg trainer
Dream play for valiante?
Daiki é bastd. DUAS ARROGANTE que ficam xingando sendo ruim. Se fodem ae suas horríveis. Assistem de casa suas pessimas. Toda arrogância será castigada
Meu comentário foi direcionado a grande maioria que tava falando que a srn ou srn sei lá, seja homem e não deveria jogar. Por que ele “namora” uma menina. So quis falar que isso não tem nada a ver. Agora sobre esss xingamento é foda mesmo.
Agora não sei por que a galera tá chorando pela srn a daiki a mesma merda. Ambos namora com mulher .
Ambos se achar iguais. Então parem de chorar bando de frustado
A mel é a jubs sao muito abaixo. Se a Mibr quiser fortalecer o time vai precisar trocar as duuas.
A liquid vai virar isso ainda. Basicamente a Mibr é “ Srn vai lá e mate todos”
this third full troll map by g2. What a disgusting thing to see. Congratulations, organizers couldn't leave a 3x0, right?
Haha fraud team
The guys are being humiliated by a team formed 5 minutes ago. hahaha. pathetic organization
eco 5x3 with planted bomb 4x1 2x1 all in sequence useless bartos
fuck you m80 bunch of rubbish look at these rounds you lose, you guys are horrible
This m80 team is overrated. They can't understand that AK is just running and shooting
A reta para ser ruim, ela precisa melhorar muito ainda. Meu amigo que time nível ouro.
? Bom a onde mano? Kkk os caras tão tudo full W. Olha a mira dos caras da reta. Feio dms esse time
Reta é ruim.
Muito fácil. Reta são pessimos 2x0 fácil. Nesses horríveis. Snw vai procurar um clt mlk
2x0 easy lkkkmm botsss
This is unbelievable, there's nothing to say, 7x6 7x13 against 2 attacking sentries? lol seriously vitality give up
Trash team, trash overreted
Heretics is overreted disband
8x8 4x2 loser 8x13 hahahaah fixes
Hahaha Nice fixed
Haha typical
Dominou o cenário todo, e no jogo mais importante pipocou.
Isso é muito Brasil
It's been here. fpx mentality was all on the first map. This third map will be a ride. fpx goodbye
damn what a difference in the game, fpx are washed bots. haha this is going to be very easy
haha 2x0 easy. This team is a fraud. overestimated. They don't know the basics. this stew bot every round taking the first kill
My God, what a horrible team of bots, these JDGs can't even put it in trouble. goodbye you shit bots
What is Stew doing? first to die in every round without doing anything. damn bot
Loser eco no kill? Bots