Agent bans

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giving 3 agent bans would be fun to see and would force players to actually learn agents instead of spamming viper raze omen every map. It might get annoying tho to the point where it becomes meta to ban 3 initiators or just target banning a strong player. It adds a lot of depth to the game, Thoughts?


It works in league of legends because there are like 150+ champions to ban. Some of these champions overlap and can do the same thing. The agent pool is too small right now to effectively have bans. I do see it happening long-term once there's like 50+ agents though.


I think agent bans in Valorant are just going to be a thing when the game have like 10-12 agents per role
Instead, it should probably start some trolling stuff


Valorant would need at least 30 more agents before considering banning then


in a few years with more agents yeah. I would add that for each map a team picks, the other team gets to pick the agent ban on that map. I think that would actually make things really interesting, but also much less consistent so I think pros wouldnt like it

reremus [#2]

It works in league of legends because there are like 150+ champions to ban. Some of these champions overlap and can do the same thing. The agent pool is too small right now to effectively have bans. I do see it happening long-term once there's like 50+ agents though.

the thing is even with 60 agents I feel like 90% of them would never be played and the whole idea of agent bans would be to give other agents playtime and make every bo3 unique and fun. I do agree implementing it rn would be awful.

Kyronnn [#6]

the thing is even with 60 agents I feel like 90% of them would never be played and the whole idea of agent bans would be to give other agents playtime and make every bo3 unique and fun. I do agree implementing it rn would be awful.

As someone who plays both league and valorant, the meta definitely switches a lot more in League so you see a variety of champs being played even with the absurd amount there are. Obviously, some will be busted and be must-play but for the most part, pro matches and ranked tend to feature a lot of different champs.

In Valorant, you can play the same meta lineup for years at a somewhat effective level (look at Fnatic). When I first started playing league it was so fucking overwhelming learning all the champs and their abilities but once you get that down it actually is fun to go outside your comfort zone and play new champs even if they're not meta.

reremus [#7]

As someone who plays both league and valorant, the meta definitely switches a lot more in League so you see a variety of champs being played even with the absurd amount there are. Obviously, some will be busted and be must-play but for the most part, pro matches and ranked tend to feature a lot of different champs.

In Valorant, you can play the same meta lineup for years at a somewhat effective level (look at Fnatic). When I first started playing league it was so fucking overwhelming learning all the champs and their abilities but once you get that down it actually is fun to go outside your comfort zone and play new champs even if they're not meta.

There's also the fact that LOL it's always the same map, while in Valorant, we have differents maps as well


I would like that. One ban per role

reremus [#2]

It works in league of legends because there are like 150+ champions to ban. Some of these champions overlap and can do the same thing. The agent pool is too small right now to effectively have bans. I do see it happening long-term once there's like 50+ agents though.

It works in league because its just one map and at least two champs basically do the same thing.

Prepping more than 2 comps per map is also hell and agent bans could lead to some weird comps in the current agent pool. Imagine each team bans 3 controllers each because fuck it we ball that would be terrible to watch.

Maybe the thing they could implement in the future is a draft system in agent select similar to league so we could avoid mirror comps and there would always be 10 unique agents played per map.

reremus [#2]

It works in league of legends because there are like 150+ champions to ban. Some of these champions overlap and can do the same thing. The agent pool is too small right now to effectively have bans. I do see it happening long-term once there's like 50+ agents though.

if only valorant has hundreds of agent, but it takes year to reach that amouth of agent


This is not LOL


I can't see it happening, mainly because it would drop the games average play so much and fucking ruin the life of players. Imagine having to run the same site hit 20 times in a prac then being told you need to run it again 20 more times with a whole different comp in case they ban sova and now you can't clear cypher trips.

PrinceCharming [#13]

I can't see it happening, mainly because it would drop the games average play so much and fucking ruin the life of players. Imagine having to run the same site hit 20 times in a prac then being told you need to run it again 20 more times with a whole different comp in case they ban sova and now you can't clear cypher trips.

This could be true but also maybe instead of focusing on micro, it would incentivise the teams to work more on overall on the fly strategy, which would sure, make it more random, but defo more entertaining. And at the end of the viewship pays the bills one way or another

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