Over the years, I’ve steadily improved my rank. I started in Silver and eventually peaked at Ascendant, but I recently got demoted back to Diamond despite upgrading to the G Pro Superlight 2, and I just don’t get it.
I perform pretty well in most matches. There are times I bot frag, but my +/- is usually positive. In the majority of my games, I end up as the MVP on the losing team or at least 2nd. I only play Sentinel and Initiator, and I consider my playstyle focused on playing smart and prioritizing team advantage.
When I play Initiator, I focus on setting up info for my team, trading, and swinging with them. When I’m on Sentinel, I focus on anchoring the site or adjusting to cover my team’s weak map links. I also communicate pretty well.
I’m starting to think this game doesn’t reward good players who play the right way. I can play Duelist, but I usually adjust so my teammates can play their comfort roles, as I feel my mechanics are one of my strengths thanks to my CS2 background. My headshot percentage this season is 34%. My new mouse has boosted my headshot percentage and consistency, but I still feel stuck and don’t know what else to do to improve.
I don’t have any Valorant friends, so I solo queue all the time. I also play on my free time only and a duelist role isn’t my comfort pick.