Semen-1 [#6]
FNS is the best IGL to touch the game (tied with chadhaak) but it is overall the coaches job to guide the players on their site execs and layering of util, albeit midrounding is more of an igl job
Yea I mean I feel like its been so obvious for years that FNS is the reason the team was so good and not Chet. Every timeout Chet would mumble two words and fns would be calling strats and adaptations. He himself even said he didn't need Chet to tell him what he was doing wrong cause he already knows and can already adapt by himself.
Chet is decent at anti and finding out what set plays to make right after a lost round but other than that he ain't the goat his placements make him seem like he is or else his 4 teams before NV would've been at the very least DECENT.