last year NRG and NAVI proved it. This year NRG and LEV will prove it.
Neither NAVI or NRG were superteams last year?
Superteams are created when you combine multiple big pieces from different teams into one.
NAVI kept a 4 man core.
NRG kept s0m who was unproven internationally at the time + the optic pieces were more of the support core rather than the star pieces. (still very good players).
FNC was, and they were a success.
Manaphy [#2]NRG and NAVI weren't superteams last year. FNC was the only superteam and they worked out.
? FPX with cned and NRG with 4 champions weren't a superteam?
tsmsobadholy [#5]so fnatic ain't a superteam?
FNATIC didn't win anything at the team they were made apart from Chronicle they don't count
axetjj [#6]? FPX with cned and NRG with 4 champions weren't a superteam?
what happened to all the good baiter's bro, instead we got frauds like you out here with these weak ass baits. We need another generational baiter.
axetjj [#9]talking about masters, that's still a trophy
you are only a champion if you win champions lmfaoo
axetjj [#8]FNATIC didn't win anything at the team they were made apart from Chronicle they don't count
i mean fair enough but i definitely remember a lot of people referring to them as a ''superteam'' when they first formed this roster lol
axetjj [#6]? FPX with cned and NRG with 4 champions weren't a superteam?
ardiis and s0m were 1 for 1 downgrades
victor was a top level player in the system he was in but not necessarily a plug and play S tier player
Fns was elite as an igl but not as a player
Crashies was elite but 1 person doesnt make a superteam
pickleguy483 [#15]stop baiting
Valorant CHAMPIONS tour culminates at CHAMPIONS. its literally in the name
Psion [#16]Valorant CHAMPIONS tour culminates at CHAMPIONS. its literally in the name
a champion - "a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition"
if someone wins masters (a competition), they have defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition (being masters)
Average_NA_fan [#14]you're kinda right
fnatic is also an example of a superteam that didnt work (altho they fluked 2 tournaments, later they proved to be ass)
ok this has got to be the worst bait of all time
how do you fluke 2 tournaments?
also your name could not be more accurate.
Average_NA_fan [#14]you're kinda right
fnatic is also an example of a superteam that didnt work (altho they fluked 2 tournaments, later they proved to be ass)
the name does check out tbf
pickleguy483 [#18]ok this has got to be the worst bait of all time
how do you fluke 2 tournaments?also your name could not be more accurate.
11-3 fluke comeback with luck clutches (after reaching finals facing teams like 100t, furia and navi)
tokyo cos EG was inexperienced and Loud underperforming
pickleguy483 [#17]a champion - "a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition"
if someone wins masters (a competition), they have defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition (being masters)
bro this is like saying winning the in-season tournament makes you an NBA champion
Average_NA_fan [#20]11-3 fluke comeback with luck clutches (after reaching finals facing teams like 100t, furia and navi)
tokyo cos EG was inexperienced and Loud underperforming
take your meds.
11-3 comeback after nearly 3-0ing in finals (until nearly reverse sweep) having an undefeated run, not losing a map to a single team until finals ≠ fluke
also "tokyo cos EG was inexperienced and Loud underperforming" you are essentialy saying "tokyo because fnatic was better than the rest of the teams"
i could say "eg only won champs because fnatic was underperforming"
if you are being serious, look at yourself in the mirror.
pickleguy483 [#22]take your meds.
11-3 comeback after nearly 3-0ing in finals (until nearly reverse sweep) having an undefeated run, not losing a map to a single team until finals ≠ flukealso "tokyo cos EG was inexperienced and Loud underperforming" you are essentialy saying "tokyo because fnatic was better than the rest of the teams"
i could say "eg only won champs because fnatic was underperforming"if you are being serious, look at yourself in the mirror.
literally all the teams besides loud they faced on lock-in had shitty performance the whole 2023 they had the easiest run and fluked that comeback cos loud players were under home crowd pressure
fnatic wasnt better than the rest, they couldnt even win EMEA league tokyo was mickey mouse event the only top team performing well was EG but they were inexperienced they only got play offs at champions cos they faced fucking zeta and bili bili on groups
Sushi_ [#13]ardiis and s0m were 1 for 1 downgrades
victor was a top level player in the system he was in but not necessarily a plug and play S tier player
Fns was elite as an igl but not as a player
Crashies was elite but 1 person doesnt make a superteam
s0m was an upgrade
j3bx5597 [#26]s0m was an upgrade
bro in hindsight maybe but at the time no he fucking wasnt marved was a top 3 controller of 2022
Average_NA_fan [#24]literally all the teams besides loud they faced on lock-in had shitty performance the whole 2023 they had the easiest run and fluked that comeback cos loud players were under home crowd pressure
fnatic wasnt better than the rest, they couldnt even win EMEA league tokyo was mickey mouse event the only top team performing well was EG but they were inexperienced they only got play offs at champions cos they faced fucking zeta and bili bili on groups
ok first, please just write cause (not that hard, cos is not a real word)
second: they 3-0'd navi who also beat good teams
third: by far your most re*arded take in this entire thread - you are saying loud was under "crowd pressure", there are countless loud clutches where the crowd helped (eg. when alfa was behind saadhak on ascent). the crowd was also screaming for loud, if anything FNC was under crowd pressure.
fourth: fnatic was the best in tokyo, your point being "they faced billibilli" a team that beat NRG ("na super team") not once, but TWICE later in champs.
fifth: you dont mention how tokyo was a "mickey mouse tournament" you just instantly go to champions, which we were not even talking about. the run FNC had in masters was 2-0 NRG, 2-0 PRX, 2-1 EG, 3-0 EG.
pickleguy483 [#28]ok first, please just write cause (not that hard, cos is not a real word)
second: they 3-0'd navi who also beat good teams
third: by far your most re*arded take in this entire thread - you are saying loud was under "crowd pressure", there are countless loud clutches where the crowd helped (eg. when alfa was behind saadhak on ascent). the crowd was also screaming for loud, if anything FNC was under crowd pressure.
fourth: fnatic was the best in tokyo, your point being "they faced billibilli" a team that beat NRG ("na super team") not once, but TWICE later in champs.
fifth: you dont mention how tokyo was a "mickey mouse tournament" you just instantly go to champions, which we were not even talking about. the run FNC had in masters was 2-0 NRG, 2-0 PRX, 2-1 EG, 3-0 EG.
lmao cuckajer himself said he performed bad cos he was under crowd pressure on champions 22 (which was in turkey his home crowd)
take away that crowd and loud would've 3-1ed flukenatic
whatever u say fnatic aint doing shit again they're dogshit acend 2.0
Average_NA_fan [#29]lmao cuckajer himself said he performed bad cos he was under crowd pressure on champions 22 (which was in turkey his home crowd)
take away that crowd and loud would've 3-1ed flukenatic
whatever u say fnatic aint doing shit again they're dogshit acend 2.0
ok so ignore my points again, dogshit take from you. 700 posts in a month, get a life.
pickleguy483 [#31]ok so ignore my points again, dogshit take from you. 700 posts in a month, get a life.
what points? ur hard coping
fnatic is dogshit they stole loud's legit trophy, and fluked tokyo cos the real top teams were underperforming
Average_NA_fan [#32]what points? ur hard coping
fnatic is dogshit they stole loud's legit trophy, and fluked tokyo cos the real top teams were underperforming
you can say that about any event
that just means FNC was better in tokyo 🤷
keep making excuses
EU still has more trophies.
pickleguy483 [#33]you can say that about any event
that just means FNC was better in tokyo 🤷
keep making excusesEU still has more trophies.
they couldnt even win their own league
fnc is dogshit, luckiest team itw
they werent even top 3 in 2023
americas has 5 trophies as well, but none of them are flukes
Psion [#21]bro this is like saying winning the in-season tournament makes you an NBA champion
use a real example please
Average_NA_fan [#34]they couldnt even win their own league
fnc is dogshit, luckiest team itw
they werent even top 3 in 2023
americas has 5 trophies as well, but none of them are flukes
EU has more trophies.
FNC best team of 2023, won 2/3 events fairly.
keep crying
Psion [#11]you are only a champion if you win champions lmfaoo
so we're calling masters winners masters? im kinda down to call my glorious king tyson "tenz" ngo my master
pickleguy483 [#37]EU has more trophies.
FNC best team of 2023, won 2/3 events fairly.
keep crying
FREEMEA has 4 trophies
fluke-in doesnt count😭😭😭😭
Average_NA_fan [#39]FREEMEA has 4 trophies
fluke-in doesnt count😭😭😭😭
i know it might be hard for you to count with your education
jawn [#38]so we're calling masters winners masters? im kinda down to call my glorious king tyson "tenz" ngo my master