Prime phantom
Reaver phantom
Recon phantom
Prime vandal
Forsaken vandal
Ion vandal
Magepunk vandal
Gaia vandal
Neptune vandal
Ion op
Forsaken op
lielahh [#2]Recon green
Magepunk on default
Either theyre both S tier
thanks imma use this for spike rush 👍👍👍
Seo_w [#5]Red Recon
Blue Prime
Ion OPliterally my loadout for ranked
thanks imma use this for unrated 👍👍👍
ShaoFeng [#6]Recon phantom
Mid ass vandals but gaia ig
Forsaken op
thanks imma use for this for swiftplay 👍👍👍
Crackyoudown [#10]reaver phantom black and red
forsaken yellow and gold
Thanks imma use this for team deathmatch 👍👍👍
bronzil_enjoyer [#26]recon phantom
neptune vandal
ion opyou'll use this for custom games
Thanks imma use this on custom 👍👍👍
AdhesiveLizard [#31]Recon phantom
Ion vandal
forsaken op
thanks imma use this for vlr community cup APAC 👍👍👍
Glitchpop classic
Oni shorty
Elderflame frenzy
Soverign ghost/Ruination ghost
singulariity sheriff/ reaver sheriff
soverign stinger
comic spectre
ion bucky
glitchpop judge
oni bulldog
spectrum guardian
oni/ion/ruination/singularity phantom
prime vandal
gaia marshal
ion/elderflame/reaver awp
singularity ares
glitchpop odin
julingre [#42]prime phantom (brown/yellowish variant)
gaia vandal red
forsaken op
Thanks imma use this for real life terrorism