Zodiac Synergy Rating: B+
🔵Asuna: Leo
🟢Bang: Pisces
🟢Cryocells: Capricorn
🟢Eeiu: Taurus
🟢Boostio: Scorpio
The only player without positive star compatibly with the team? Asuna
Leos are known for being full of energy, proud and confident but their confidence can sometimes lead them to make rash decisions based off ego and pride.
Asuna's star sign compatibility % with his teammates:
Pisces (38%), Capricorn (35%), Taurus (73%), or Scorpio (58%)
How does this compare against the rest of the team?
Bang and Cryo have a compatibility of 88%
Bang and Boostio have a compatibility of 97%
Bang and Eeiu have a compatibility of 85%
Cryo and Eeiu have a compatibility of 88%
Cryo and Boostio have a compatibility of 95%
Boostio and Eeiu have a compatibility of 88%
Who could 100T replace Asuna with too instantly give them A+ synergy?
Jawgemo (Cancer), Zeldris (Virgo), Koalanoob (Capricorn), Corey (Taurus)