I don't think a single player on 100T's roster makes it into lev excluding maybe boostio?
michaelisupset [#3]aspas gonna c0m all over 100t
aspas fits so well cuz they are aggressive too plus actual quality players in king, tex and mazino
kalayav_n [#5]aspas fits so well cuz they are aggressive too plus actual quality players in king, tex and mazino
watch Aspas fail just like yay
Asuna_Yuuki [#11]Boostio owns kingg
You will see
honestly Boostio is really good yeah but i think c0m is what leviatan needed to win vs actual NA teams and aspas is a great tool
tbh kingg is meh but he def got a clutch factor to him 100t might be better than sentinels again unless this time SEN actually practiced im comparing to sen because ppl still have high expectations of them and the team is still kinda stacked in comparsion
kalayav_n [#14]mwz owned demon1 its ok i know ur still coping
How did mw own demon1?
Demon1 was clearly better and his team won
The most important stat as a duelist player is fk-fd because that is what gets you round wins and demon1 dominated that
The fact is that Demon1 can solo win rounds for NRG while a lost of Mw’s kills are low impact
Cael [#13]honestly Boostio is really good yeah but i think c0m is what leviatan needed to win vs actual NA teams and aspas is a great tool
tbh kingg is meh but he def got a clutch factor to him 100t might be better than sentinels again unless this time SEN actually practiced im comparing to sen because ppl still have high expectations of them and the team is still kinda stacked in comparsion
I have to hard disagree with your take here. Kingg is by far the best player on that team.
Also, I don't think aspas will be as successful as he has been now that he's outside the Loud environment.
Asuna_Yuuki [#15]How did mw own demon1?
Demon1 was clearly better and his team won
The most important stat as a duelist player is fk-fd because that is what gets you round wins and demon1 dominated that
The fact is that Demon1 can solo win rounds for NRG while a lost of Mw’s kills are low impact
Nah bro mw diffed him
Asuna_Yuuki [#15]How did mw own demon1?
Demon1 was clearly better and his team won
The most important stat as a duelist player is fk-fd because that is what gets you round wins and demon1 dominated that
The fact is that Demon1 can solo win rounds for NRG while a lost of Mw’s kills are low impact
they were def about even that series lol
dexter000111 [#9]Not saying this just bcoz they're against 100T but just in general LEV will disappoint and not be as good as everyone thinks they will
I hope not. Wouldn't be great for our region. Strong teams needed so our best teams can win at the international events
Asuna_Yuuki [#15]How did mw own demon1?
Demon1 was clearly better and his team won
The most important stat as a duelist player is fk-fd because that is what gets you round wins and demon1 dominated that
The fact is that Demon1 can solo win rounds for NRG while a lost of Mw’s kills are low impact
mwz was playing without a initator to set him up for his duels and won most of them regardless btw. idk if demon1 could do the same on a team like furia.
kalayav_n [#14]mwz owned demon1 its ok i know ur still coping
Tbh Ethan diffed mwz on map two and he isn't even the duelist. Dude might as well of pkayed with his monitor off with the amount he was flashed and missing op shots
dexter000111 [#16]I have to hard disagree with your take here. Kingg is by far the best player on that team.
Also, I don't think aspas will be as successful as he has been now that he's outside the Loud environment.
but unlike optic setting up yay loud werent playing to set up aspas they were playing off of him he was finding entry on his own many many times i think you're gonna be surprised the level of consistency he has and yeah i said kingg is meh imo in comparsion to his teammates but well if we're talking only abt his "agent role" then he is very good
TheAceGamer30 [#4]Asuna is trash like literally garbage
Man im starting to think your mission is to make everyone hate people with sen flairs.
Pooh [#24]Man im starting to think your mission is to make everyone hate people with sen flairs.
bro asuna isnt even that good what?
SatanLovesYou [#22]Tbh Ethan diffed mwz on map two and he isn't even the duelist. Dude might as well of pkayed with his monitor off with the amount he was flashed and missing op shots
yeah bros kayo is insane
TheAceGamer30 [#26]yeah bros kayo is insane
Honestly. Best in the world. His flash timing is nuts and in really fucking odd situations too.
TheAceGamer30 [#25]bro asuna isnt even that good what?
He may not be top of the list but he's in no way "literally garbage"
Pooh [#28]He may not be top of the list but he's in no way "literally garbage"
Imo he doesn’t deserve to be t1 player there’s way better replacements than him in t2 for example nismo
TheAceGamer30 [#29]Imo he doesn’t deserve to be t1 player there’s way better replacements than him in t2 for example nismo
Yes thats your opinion, but you don't have to mention how you think he's utter trash or whatever every time some 100t fan mentions him
SatanLovesYou [#27]Honestly. Best in the world. His flash timing is nuts and in really fucking odd situations too.
Pooh [#30]Yes thats your opinion, but you don't have to mention how you think he's utter trash or whatever every time some 100t fan mentions him
ok man but be real the 100t fan said he will clear everyone u know thats not true right?
TheAceGamer30 [#32]ok man but be real the 100t fan said he will clear everyone u know thats not true right?
true, but i doubt he was very serious. relax man
TheAceGamer30 [#29]Imo he doesn’t deserve to be t1 player there’s way better replacements than him in t2 for example nismo
nismo is THIRTY YEARS OLD might as well bring hiko back if we are looking for someone old
Pooh [#34]true, but i doubt he was very serious. relax man
none of us are serious anymore after 2023
Psion [#35]nismo is THIRTY YEARS OLD might as well bring hiko back if we are looking for someone old
he would do better than asuna
TheAceGamer30 [#38]he would do better than asuna
this just isn't true, they are similar players but one of them is used to mikz and 100t and the system and the other isn't at all
Psion [#40]this just isn't true, they are similar players but one of them is used to mikz and 100t and the system and the other isn't at all
nismo can hang with the best lmao fuck are you talking bout
Pooh [#28]He may not be top of the list but he's in no way "literally garbage"
he's done nothing other than being overrated
hellfire [#45]he's done nothing other than being overrated
Exactly why I don’t like him he’s not even a good t1 pro
hellfire [#45]he's done nothing other than being overrated
How can he decide or influence how he's rated? He can't choose whether to be overrated/underrated/well rated, thats what the fans do.
ash_knuckles [#42]nismo can hang with the best lmao fuck are you talking bout
so can asuna, but one of them is used to 100t and one isn't. you clearly don't know how team cohesion works if you think you can just slot someone of similar skill in and the team won't worsen
Psion [#50]so can asuna, but one of them is used to 100t and one isn't. you clearly don't know how team cohesion works if you think you can just slot someone of similar skill in and the team won't worsen
team cohesion
brother this team is in the fucking mud lmao who gives a rat's ass about team cohesion when they can't even string together wins against teams they should be beating.
used to 100t
what does that even mean, literally went through -2 +3 transfers from lcq up until now, whatever "100t" there was is/should be mostly nonexistent. "oh but they kept core" no one cares. they changed their igl and have cycled through five players, they might as well be starting from scratch.
just wanted to chip in cause you were slandering a 🐐 for no reason but your argument is so shit i couldn't resist
Asuna_Yuuki [#15]How did mw own demon1?
Demon1 was clearly better and his team won
The most important stat as a duelist player is fk-fd because that is what gets you round wins and demon1 dominated that
The fact is that Demon1 can solo win rounds for NRG while a lost of Mw’s kills are low impact
there was no clearly better lmfao
demon1 was looking like havoc in the beginning of ascent
theyre 6-6 against each other.
Also mwzera had a bad team compared to nrg
like yay on dsg if ur in a bad team against a rly good team ur not gonna perform that well
also fk-fd isnt the most important thing as a duelist as a duelist u create space, not necessairly get the first kill Attack first blood on breeze was 4-2 demon1 to 3-1 mwzera, demon1 was not clearly better. U see on ascent overall fk-fd was 4-2 demon1 to 5-4 mwzera, but mwzera went 1-3 on atk compared to 2-2 demon1.
fk-fd is also not very reliable because it also counts fk-fd on defense, and defense is a hit or miss depending on which site they went to. A lot of demon1s first bloods were against liazzi and havoc which looked rly nervous.
Oh and marved is still kinda washed lmao def not iceland marved
ash_knuckles [#53]team cohesion
brother this team is in the fucking mud lmao who gives a rat's ass about team cohesion when they can't even string together wins against teams they should be beating.
used to 100t
what does that even mean, literally went through -2 +3 transfers from lcq up until now, whatever "100t" there was is/should be mostly nonexistent. "oh but they kept core" no one cares. they changed their igl and have cycled through five players, they might as well be starting from scratch.
just wanted to chip in cause you were slandering a 🐐 for no reason but your argument is so shit i couldn't resist
are you talking about the games where they had A SUB or last season, because in both cases that has nothing to do with the 5 man currently lol
also im not slandering nismo i love him but if you don't understand the affect of replacing a player idk why im even bothering
Psion [#55]are you talking about the games where they had A SUB or last season, because in both cases that has nothing to do with the 5 man currently lol
also im not slandering nismo i love him but if you don't understand the affect of replacing a player idk why im even bothering
assuming nature's the sub it's still -2 +2 ? my point still stands. team cohesion is the last statistic anyone on 100t should be worried abt rn
Pooh [#24]Man im starting to think your mission is to make everyone hate people with sen flairs.
He's an attention seeking troll. He just spams co streamers twitch chats to check his VLR posts/comments
ash_knuckles [#56]assuming nature's the sub it's still -2 +2 ? my point still stands. team cohesion is the last statistic anyone on 100t should be worried abt rn
you have no way of knowing this when they haven't even played a match yet.
dexter000111 [#16]I have to hard disagree with your take here. Kingg is by far the best player on that team.
Also, I don't think aspas will be as successful as he has been now that he's outside the Loud environment.
30+kills first map aspas? huh
Cael [#59]30+kills first map aspas? huh
What I said was for the whole season and not the 1st map of the opening match
dexter000111 [#60]What I said was for the whole season and not the 1st map of the opening match
i mean we will see ig but its a rather good sign for first match to do so much in a new team