Matchmaking is horrendous

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Constantly for the past 2 acts now I've been getting horrendous and I mean HORRENDOUS matchmaking. I've been going crazy on my rank up games multiple times, I've been getting ridiculous win streaks with constant high impact games, duo queuing, 5 stacking, I'm always playing well for the most part yet somehow my hidden elo is diamond 1 during my winstreaks getting close to ascendant 2. This was the same issue when I was on a win streak from ASC 1 to ASC 3 2 acts ago, I was 5 stacking in immortal lobbies yet everytime I solo queued I got diamond teams. (My trs score AVG was 780 during that week of play and I placed lowest 5th on the leaderboard on any given match)
Everytime I solo queue there are afks, ASSSSS PLAYERS, No commers, and it's consistent. If it isn't one it's the other.


drop the tracker


JustHunterM8 #343
Ignore the breeze game, I threw it cause my team was no commers, and they whiffed a 4v2 when I tagged both players 100


you should never throw, it just deflates ur stats and goes against ur point.

overall, a tracker score of 573 is not the best. You could rankup once or twice, but you probably wont climb much
1.05 KD and 5 Damage Delta, you do ur job and get ur trades. But you don't pop off
I can see you going to asc 2, not much more

  • number2_cNed_fan

That was the 1 single throw in my entire act history. I don't ever throw it was just combined with the fact we were 2-10 and threw multiple rounds due to 0 comms and coordination.
Plus they didn't want to surrender and I had a 3 stack to a with
I get it worsens the stats but fuck if it's already destroyed anyway regardless of that game. I mean I got a 33k on viper and still didn't change my matchmaking in the slightest
570 trs isn't bad considering it's the whole act trs. That's not the weekly trs which really gauges that and of course I won't be popping off on smokes but I'm constantly igling strats, making sure others have better guns than me since i play behind them, I bring in a lot of cheese into the gamr in order to change the pacing of the game. There's a lot of things trs doesn't measure and honestly I've been on a Reyna journey before consistently with 700trs and that didn't change my rank much.


1 good game doesnt mean anything, just like how 1 bad game doesnt mean anything. you average to be a "mid" player. try to work on yourself first before blaming teammates.


I would agree with you but I've been playing this game for so long around very critical players who are better than me. I know when I'm the one at fault. My performance currently dictates that I should be ranking up by one or two ranks as you already said but the fact that I opened D2 and I'm currently in D3 especially with the 570 trs just goes to show I'm not meant to be here.
It isn't 1 good game, it's multiple good games, multiple team MVPs, multiple 700+ trs games yet we still lose by a huge margin.
My previous 5 stack filled with asc3+ players and 1 immortal 3 guy agrees that I should at the very least be winning these games that I'm bringing impact to but the inevitably of teammates are just too hard to get around
I'm not saying I'm perfect and I know I can improve but the point is that I'm having near perfect matches and still losing anyway.


I personally don't know the servers you play in, so you could be completely right. Stats don't mean everything.


I don't like going down that path cause it's a very impossible thing to improve or fix but my gripe isn't actually with the players themselves cause they're playing at the level they should, I'm confused as to why I'm getting matched with them when clearly I'm not playing like a trash can who deserves diamond 1.
The moment ranks opened I destroyed every game and double ranked up so now falling back down after the plays have finally gotten back up to diamond is ridiculous


Ranking up is not immediate unless you are far outside of where your skill lies.

Intentionally throwing games obviously will put you behind your goal. If you are one to intentionally throw then it is clear your mental is weak and you get angry at teammates outside of this match alone. Remember yall are on the same team. Be nice, be supportive, and brush off rounds yall shouldve won. The far majority of people will not "step up" and play BETTER if they have a teammate angry in their ear, especially at the level in which you are at.

With almost 2k hours played and almost 100 games played this act alone, its clear you care about this game. Just sit back and honestly care less about the round-to-round micro'ing (even if it is frustrating at times) and be a bit more friendly. I promise you will win far more games. Still comm but be positive.

The amount of times ive won 3-11 or 4-12 comebacks for just being 'fake positive' by saying shit like "12 is all they get, lets get it boys" is laughable.

Im by no means a pro, but imm3 most episodes and this has carried me a ton.


Oh this is hilarious. I'm telling you right now I've gotten over that whole throwing phase and I've already had multiple come backs this act that seemed impossible because I knew my team had the skill to win and I igled them to the comeback. Imma tell you right now when I say I threw, it was at 2-11 and 2-12 after my teammates had just lost the most winnable rounds.
ATP I don't care if I can salvage some roundz or not, I want to get into a different game.
Not once this act have I shown any teammates any of my rage or else I wouldnt be asking the question of why matchmaking is so bad

Again just to reiterate, I don't care about ranking up, I care about getting matched with like skilled players cause ranking up comes easy once that happens. Im consistently getting players who very clearly are still struggling at the fundamentals of the game and can't even be bothered to comm nor follow simple strats.


That most recent ascent game had my Reyna afk from round 3 or 4


I had an immo and a silver in one of my plat games


Nah wrap it up dawg I'd switch accounts
But seriously though it seems like such a big problem. It really feels like the moment you 5 stack your MMR gets tanked and you're forced to continuously do so or else you face the repercussions by getting paperweights on your team


The moment rank resets its kind of over. A bronze playing well gets matched with a diamond not playing well, leading to a stupid mix of ranks making every game have stupidly unbalanced
Id rather not switch accounts cuz only my main has skins


Yea but tbh I had better luck right after the rank reset (cause spoilers it isn't really a reset at all)


i am in p2 rn..used to be diamond 2 last act..smh now i keep getting matched against diamonds and always get top 3 in acs but still lose because the diamonds in my team are shit..im just not able to climb cuz it happens constantly like i get d3 players in my team who get 5 or 6 kills the entire game while i drop 20+


skill issue

get better


yeah, shit isn't good with me either
being a controller sucks (tracker: shizuo #555)


Wow... Tbf tho in silver you don't even need a controller to win, you have 700 trs just lock in Reyna or raze. Its easy carry

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