okay so we know the new teams crashies victor ethan demon1, but who’s calling for them? definitely not marved right??? please atleast give them a real igl
Asuna_Yuuki [#3]Crashies is my thought
He seems like he already kind of calls and is very vocal from watching the NRG comms videos
I literally don’t know how this thread gets made every single day, FNS has gone on record multiple times saying that crashies does nearly half the calling, it’s fairly obvious crashies will do the heavy lifting with others chiming in
0fcuZ [#8]Ethan is very vocal and have the most experience in the tier 1 level competition (back to cs) so it's literally no brainer that he will take over as igl, which I also think is good idea. Marved could be igl for small chance since he kinda did back on sentinel but I doubt that's great enough reason.
He also IGL'd for 100T for a little bit, I believe.
Don't know why I got down voted for this. https://twitter.com/ethanarnold/status/1495898103093899264