super duper hot take

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zekken raze >>>


prime tenz jett still better >>>
he’s just a better oper when in form

i will always say this with my chest 😤


tenz is a better jett player but zekken is a better solo duelist/entry player than tenz, which is currently meta on most maps


I hecking love SEN TenZ, I watch him changing crosshairs everyday and use them in valorant games.
I do go 10-23 in my games but i still believe his crosshairs give me aimbot.
Every kill i get is because of SEN TenZ's crosshair

Zerphyr1 [#3]

I hecking love SEN TenZ, I watch him changing crosshairs everyday and use them in valorant games.
I do go 10-23 in my games but i still believe his crosshairs give me aimbot.
Every kill i get is because of SEN TenZ's crosshair

go take your meds grandpa

FrenchToast [#4]

go take your meds grandpa

yeah actually cry about it fatso
walking to the fridge when your mom isnt home to make you dinner doesnt count as working out + you'd have to be socially inept (you btw) to even say "never touched a woman". I've gone to school with literal neckbeards and drug addicsts that get play, seems like you're the only person that even thinks its hard.
And I will keep posting on every sad little thing you say because you are an actual loser and need to be reminded every day, at every opportunity, because going on the way you are now is unsustainable and you will be 40 years old and alone with no prospects while your parents sit around the dinner table and try to figure out where they went wrong raising you.

Zerphyr1 [#5]

yeah actually cry about it fatso
walking to the fridge when your mom isnt home to make you dinner doesnt count as working out + you'd have to be socially inept (you btw) to even say "never touched a woman". I've gone to school with literal neckbeards and drug addicsts that get play, seems like you're the only person that even thinks its hard.
And I will keep posting on every sad little thing you say because you are an actual loser and need to be reminded every day, at every opportunity, because going on the way you are now is unsustainable and you will be 40 years old and alone with no prospects while your parents sit around the dinner table and try to figure out where they went wrong raising you.

ohh don’t worry, i’ve felt the touch of a woman

FrenchToast [#6]

ohh don’t worry, i’ve felt the touch of a woman

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? Heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. It’s survival of the fittest and you ain’t gonna survive long on VLR by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox reddit friends would upvote. This ain’t reddit, kid. This is VLR. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don’t think you’re all that familiar with.


agreed, but obviously since tenz is full on flex now he's going through a change in playstyle which i think is important for him to stay in the scene. modern day jett does not suit him anymore and i would go as far to say the same for yay

Loomer [#8]

agreed, but obviously since tenz is full on flex now he's going through a change in playstyle which i think is important for him to stay in the scene. modern day jett does not suit him anymore and i would go as far to say the same for yay

I hope tenz can be the next f0rsaken who became a flex since something's arrival

gfnchaoz [#9]

I hope tenz can be the next f0rsaken who became a flex since something's arrival

tbh i think they should make him go the ethan route and play all flash initiators including skye

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