Sideshow (sentinels hater)

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Said Sentinels would be better with Zellsis and Pancada playing instead of Tenz


Tenz is overrated af

AlmartAn [#2]

Tenz is overrated af

people will downvote you for telling the truth

goofyahh1447 [#5]

people will downvote you for telling the truth

At least I said the truth

AlmartAn [#2]

Tenz is overrated af

bro hasn’t watched tenz played recently.

how does zellsis deserve a spot but tenz doesn’t in franchise?
his utility and impact are amazing. he’s a damn good flex.

FrenchToast [#7]

bro hasn’t watched tenz played recently.

how does zellsis deserve a spot but tenz doesn’t in franchise?
his utility and impact are amazing. he’s a damn good flex.

I'd like a french toast rn 🥺

FrenchToast [#7]

bro hasn’t watched tenz played recently.

how does zellsis deserve a spot but tenz doesn’t in franchise?
his utility and impact are amazing. he’s a damn good flex.


FrenchToast [#7]

bro hasn’t watched tenz played recently.

how does zellsis deserve a spot but tenz doesn’t in franchise?
his utility and impact are amazing. he’s a damn good flex.

stop dickriding


idec about the eggs opinions, they're all exaggerated for content. Problem is plat chat fans have 0 free thinking capabilities and genuinely take what he's saying as fact. Tenz could cure cancer and the comp reddit (platchat fanclub) would still find an issue with him and argue he should be benched.

grenji [#3]

idec about the eggs opinions, they're all exaggerated for content. Problem is plat chat fans have 0 free thinking capabilities and genuinely take what he's saying as fact. Tenz could cure cancer and the comp reddit (platchat fanclub) would still find an issue with him and argue he should be benched.

I doubt Alexander Fleming would have been a good Valorant player though

grenji [#3]

idec about the eggs opinions, they're all exaggerated for content. Problem is plat chat fans have 0 free thinking capabilities and genuinely take what he's saying as fact. Tenz could cure cancer and the comp reddit (platchat fanclub) would still find an issue with him and argue he should be benched.

omg why is this so true


guy's on a mission to turn every tenz fan against him


Um thats wrong as tenz is the hardest player to flash in all of vct. He should be needed since that is the single most important stat in valorant.

Cresp [#8]

Um thats wrong as tenz is the hardest player to flash in all of vct. He should be needed since that is the single most important stat in valorant.

TenZ wont look away when i flash him


he's probably right lol


Sad truth, but Pancada and Zellsis are both better than tenz.

Nefarious_ [#10]

Sad truth, but Pancada and Zellsis are both better than tenz.

if that was the case, the coaching staff and the team wouldve already made the decision to let zellsis play in the starting 5

aaannnddddd [#12]

if that was the case, the coaching staff and the team wouldve already made the decision to let zellsis play in the starting 5

tenz is their face. just look at the games viewership where he played and where he didnt played in the last season.

kirito5133 [#13]

tenz is their face. just look at the games viewership where he played and where he didnt played in the last season.

rob moore wants to win, tenz was supposed to leave the org a while back (the whole dapr ordeal happened) saying he has less potential or is a worse player than zellsis is stupid. Tenz could easily be better than him on the flex role

aaannnddddd [#14]

rob moore wants to win, tenz was supposed to leave the org a while back (the whole dapr ordeal happened) saying he has less potential or is a worse player than zellsis is stupid. Tenz could easily be better than him on the flex role

that was just rumors and early plans. zellsis is slightly better than tenz as a player but zellsis provide more value in a team because how he keeps the team focus and not get demotivated. the management probably think thats okay to sacrifice for tenz name.


Is he wrong though? I would take Zellsis over TenZ any day if talking about flex role. Pancada is the best controller out of the 3.

patuj [#16]

Is he wrong though? I would take Zellsis over TenZ any day if talking about flex role. Pancada is the best controller out of the 3.

I think that you are completely right, if Sen Tenz didn't have the cloud he has, then he would've been dropped ages ago.


This is common news now, Sideshow consistently critiques TenZ every game he's cast. Spent 2-3 hours making a video detailing all of TenZ's faults. Making memes and jokes when TenZ was sick during the regular season and was dealing with Kyedae's situation. It's kinda disappointing to see but whatever gets views.

Asokra [#19]

This is common news now, Sideshow consistently critiques TenZ every game he's cast. Spent 2-3 hours making a video detailing all of TenZ's faults. Making memes and jokes when TenZ was sick during the regular season and was dealing with Kyedae's situation. It's kinda disappointing to see but whatever gets views.

yeah half of plat chat is corny like him… I understand it’s his job to do things like this but i feel like he just targets sentinels/tenz , i’ve never seen this man point out so many wrongs with a individual or a Team like he does with sen/tenz actually quite sad tbh.

Shawn23 [#21]

yeah half of plat chat is corny like him… I understand it’s his job to do things like this but i feel like he just targets sentinels/tenz , i’ve never seen this man point out so many wrongs with a individual or a Team like he does with sen/tenz actually quite sad tbh.

No regard for a players or teams feelings/situation, with PlatChat getting so many views and the comments Sideshow throws out, it builds hate and disregard for the context of the situation. TenZ not being able to perform during the regular season while being sick and dealing with Kyedae's health conditions should not be heavily critiqued which Sideshow did with his video. Although TenZ might not be the best option, the amount of negativity they throw out is crazy. Also not saying TenZ shouldn't be critiqued but Asuna on 100T for example did not play at the level that regular season but there was no video made on him, or a video made on players like ardiis/yay that underperformed heavily this year.


It's been known for a while that Sentinels keep TenZ for the interactions and fans he brings, this isn't new. There are many players out there that are as good as, if not, better than TenZ that would ask for a lower salary.

AlexSMTxx [#23]

It's been known for a while that Sentinels keep TenZ for the interactions and fans he brings, this isn't new. There are many players out there that are as good as, if not, better than TenZ that would ask for a lower salary.

his sales alone brings in 50% of what sentinels earn, + the in game merch will probably be advertised by him on every channel/social media outlet he has + mechanically he’s top 5 in the game, he just has to learn his agents which he still has months to do, it’s like teaching a insane street baller how to play organized nba basketball , after a few months of practice y’all will be calling tenz the best player in the world again lmfao

Shawn23 [#24]

his sales alone brings in 50% of what sentinels earn, + the in game merch will probably be advertised by him on every channel/social media outlet he has + mechanically he’s top 5 in the game, he just has to learn his agents which he still has months to do, it’s like teaching a insane street baller how to play organized nba basketball , after a few months of practice y’all will be calling tenz the best player in the world again lmfao

This isn't 2021, I wouldn't put him top 5 mechanically anymore. Also, the practice thing is just insane copium lmfao. You are acting as if he has been on vacation for the last year. He can be good, but he is not gonna magically become the outlier he was back in 2021. Get out of that dream bro, just let it go.

I can already see your comment aging terribly lol.


lol i mean in some ways he would be and some ways he wouldn’t be. tenz obviously has better aim. zellsis has better comms (according to plat chat guys who are able to listen into player comms during matches), and is better on the agents that tenz is playing currently. but im sure tenz will get better in time at those agents. his breach already looks good.

michaelisupset [#27]

lol i mean in some ways he would be and some ways he wouldn’t be. tenz obviously has better aim. zellsis has better comms (according to plat chat guys who are able to listen into player comms during matches), and is better on the agents that tenz is playing currently. but im sure tenz will get better in time at those agents. his breach already looks good.

i would say TenZ has a better initiator but worse controller


the mental impact and the moral boost with zellsis on team is something that is not noted. Most SEN players are not leaders or cheer up others. He brings that into every team, and that is something not much players have. That is the thing you need for having a winning team. Someone who is a clear leader mentally and a pillar for the team. And for me he is in the right as Tenz should have stepped down to CC. He is gonna struggle on initiators when hes having a bad day cuz he relies to much on individual plays and aim over utility usage. And when hes struggles you need a zellsis to back u up. look at Saadhak, Boostio, keznit, boaster. All of these have traits that motivate and encourage players to perform better under pressure.

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