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Registered: November 3, 2023
Last post: March 4, 2024 at 4:15 AM
Posts: 113
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fns knows the nrg guys in and out and he said those guys mesh really well and are friends outside of game and also the coaching staff of chet with tanishq should be given more time, nobody can be blamed at this point in time it just seems that nrg doesnt have that much prac

posted about a year ago

it legit cannot be a player problem, all 5 of them as far as i know, either know each other or they are good friends (other than demon1) so their chemistry isnt the issue, the main problem was that they didnt really have any gameplans or a particular identity, they would just default and focused very heavily on mid rounding and even when they did set retakes/postplants, it would be the same thing for the entire half and this could potentially because of the low amount of time they have had to prac and drill strats but not sure

posted about a year ago

tenz is still a top yoru in bind its just that the comp is now easier to read and his kayo is good and when u look at good kayo players not many come to mind other than ethan, its a very hard agent to be consistent on

posted about a year ago

he isnt that far off, the only thing john doesnt call are fakes and he gets a bit predictable if the match keeps going but that can be fixed + his fragging just makes up for the lack of experience as a t1 IGL

posted about a year ago

ur on something for sure, if we are looking at current stats and performances, john is 100% top 5 IGL and tenz is definitely so far the best omen and zekken is top 5 entry fragger, zekken and tenz quite literally dicked ur team to the ground

posted about a year ago

cmon man he outcalled boostio for the most part, read saadhak several times which is pretty insane for a rookie t1 player and frags better than 90% of other IGLs

posted about a year ago

losing to americas team instead of fuckin bili bili LMAO

posted about a year ago

single handedly won few rounds against 100T bind with yoru and the previous time railed ur entire team with yoru

posted about a year ago

boaster along with the coach comes up with strats so blame boaster too also alfa always made terrible plays all the time but got away with it because he hit his shots but if he doesnt hit his shots then he is consistently throwing away his life as a sentinel

posted about a year ago

tell ben tenz I said hi!

posted about a year ago

thats bs, the firepower isnt lacking and it isnt on any of the players, their gameplan, protocols and even utilization of certain comps are just not good but u cant blame only him either, they have like 6 coaches which is the problem

posted about a year ago

not anymore, Jimmy heckin loves tenz rn, they played ranked together and was talking a lot

posted about a year ago

yeah thats what i said at the end of my post

posted about a year ago

they will most likely lose against nrg but with loud its a tossup, sen can beat them if they play properly (especially since their comps are now known) so its more of a 50-50 for sen vs loud but anyway idt loud vs sen will happen in first round of playoffs coz thats how it was in pacific

posted about a year ago

idt its set in stone that sen will have to play NRG, they randomized it for pacific in a way that the teams from same grp wont play each other so in the playoffs so here loud and sen wont play each other so it will either ne sen vs eg or sen vs nrg its a 50 50 chance that sen have to face nrg but it would he better for them to best nrg in that bo3 instead of going to madrid by beating eg and getting destroyed in madrid

posted about a year ago

tenz starts shooting and its over for fnatic, im tellin u

posted about a year ago

might be some unknown valid reasons in play here idt they are keeping him in a contract jail or anything because sen don't do that

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

welcome back frenchtoastington, sen winning everything soon (soon could mean any time, does not mean they are winning playins)

posted about a year ago

bro did NOT watch the games last year😭😭

posted about a year ago

putting aside breeze, tenz was solid and so was the rest of the team but my god he couldnt shoot straight to save his life on that breeze game (and kinda on bind too) but all g if he starts shootin its over for everyone

posted about a year ago

how does he have the same composure as someone like mako without ever properly competing before???? actual wonderkid

posted about a year ago

was he actually picked up from a ranked game😭😭

posted about a year ago

not yet

posted about a year ago

yea 75 for lev and 25 for sen

posted about a year ago

lev have a higher chance of winning due to their performance yesterday but sen can win too if they play their cards right but its like 75-25

posted about a year ago

nah listen to their new comms video, zellsis just never stops talking and does not let his team think about their own performance, he instead just looks at the bigger picture and tries to bring the team together and sen are definitely going to play the same comps unless ascent is in the pool then they might bring out smthng new

posted about a year ago

aspas played fine, you cant really rely on his oping because loud knows his tendencies a lot and plus on ascent he was getting flashed 3 times a round😭

posted about a year ago

one has to impress first to flub it, tex always lowk been mid

posted about a year ago

thats what im saying, even fns with map and everything revealed cant seem to find a hole in Louds ascent comp but sen actually gave them the push without any prior knowledge of the comp and with proper prep/anti strat they could potentially pick it apart

posted about a year ago

so? you cant always expect players to be at their fullest, if 100T almost beat lev then SEN have a very high chance of winning, this is the same lev they didnt reinvent themselves fundamentally or strategically in a week (after playing 100t)

posted about a year ago

100T almost beat lev

posted about a year ago

yay and demon1 played jett and should not be considered a "duelist" player, victor and jawg were the duelists for the most part and demon1/yay would just play jett so u cant really put them up there

posted about a year ago

u really think sen arent scrimming coz their scrims arent being leaked?😭😭

posted about a year ago

its ascent, wait this could mean they tried out this comp but didnt have enough prac on it and decided to play their old normal ascent comp against LOUD, sen could potentially be saving strats because they are doing the same things they did in afreeca

posted about a year ago

it really isnt that deep😭

posted about a year ago

zellsis fits way better into the team and clears pancada interms of flexibility and comms but "PaNCaDa ShOoT" womp womp

posted about a year ago

well the same goes for zellsis, why should he shut up about pancada?

posted about a year ago

you gotta keep ur mouth shut about pancada and zellsis tbh

posted about a year ago

you all gotta shut up about pancada and zellsis

posted about a year ago

I dont think its permanent, if the zellsis/tenz thing doesnt work one of them is going to the bench for sure

posted about a year ago

its so over for us 😭

posted about a year ago

I think SEN can beat them on split, sunset and bind (ik 100T dismantled them but they have played against SEN before so they know how it works)

posted about a year ago

wait they actually have to play NRG to qualify?😭

posted about a year ago

GE has 1 indian player😭😭

posted about a year ago

nobody can defend his performance rn but I still think he didnt do as bad as people make it out to be, SEN were clearly shutting him down a lot of the time and the missed ults most of them were unlucky or just good counter util from the SEN players, the coaching staff seems to be very confident (a lil too much imo) in the team they have, so let's wait until the season begins instead of shitting on this guy after seeing two games

posted about a year ago

I doubt he had much time to polish his viper but even if that's the case putting a player like him on viper is very wrong, the playstyle he has is very similar to that of cryo and even demon1 (demon1 has never been a hard entry duelist, he has most of the time only played smokes and jett) so something around the lines of kj or brimstone or even omen could have been acceptable because cryo seems to be doing well with those roles but viper is such a passive and hard to understand agent for someone with the playstyle that yay has, even sliggy agrees that it is ridiculous that they pay him the bag only for them to not even build comps around his jett/chamber, if you are gonna make him flex then might as well get who can flex from t2 NA or APAC (like T1 did with rossy)

posted about a year ago

this is so stupid bro, what are u even tryna say here, if u take a look at yt comments or ig comments then u will see tenz gets way more hate but no u see 1 comment on sacy getting cooked and ur all pissed off and shit lmfaoo

posted about a year ago

TenZ played good on all the maps so did sacy, they are doing their given jobs properly and it shows, op is just a miserable human

posted about a year ago
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