To be honest, I don't think they'd remove double smokes. Like ever. Mainly because just a viper wall alone is able to give you so much room to play with. I am not even close to decent igls but man the difference in comps when you play double smokes is crazy with just how much you can do to mess with the opposite team. While it makes the game very boring by making early round dead and most rounds are decided late to end round, I do think it increases the skill cap without having a broken feature like 5 astra stars.
I think most teams also know how viable double smokes are, I mean, mid control? Double smokes. Crazy fakes? Double smokes. Denying info? Double smokes. Getting into site with having one smokes dead? Double smokes. It is crazy how effective double smokes is, and it won't be taken away unless a feature that explicitly nerfs the concept of double smokes is added. Like, you cant choose 2 smokes in a comp, or two agents cannot smoke as the same time (no more omen smoke with a viper wall to deny info). However, going back to skye I think she plays a part in this as well lol. Skye makes choosing an initiator so brain dead. Running two smokes should obviously make your comp defense sided, but because you barely miss out with skye doing 2 initiators job in 1, you really dont need to worry. Most team comps run a solo ini (only kay o or skye), a duelist (must, thank god no duelist meta is gone). a sent (because defense) and two smokes (because you loose nothing).
Its not fair to run double smokes because skye just covers everything up. There needs to be a drawback for running double smokes and I don't think it exists right now, with the right team comp you don't really loose attacking or defensive rounds. Back when we ran double initiators on everything, mainly because of how strong it was on attack but defense there were issues. Exactly the same with double duelist, but with double smokes' weakness being covered another agent that makes wanting to have 2 initiators useless just eases the team comp.
Also, I think having a smokes like viper being able to play as a sentinel on site also makes it too easy to play double smokes with just 1 sent. Kj/cypher covers A, viper gets B and if there is a C then its retake/flood/playing numbers