They are letting flashback play in place of RB who has the highest clutches for DRX and ZEST in place of Foxy9 nahh
dude i dont think they care abt off season
Still a 60000 usd tournament (only for winner)
winning off season events does not give you prestige, they could care less about money. You are good when you win master or champions thats why everyone always at 100t winning redbull because it means nothing in the end.
Then why would they play
cuz they're getting invited? respect the organizer? plus its in japan, it only takes two hours flight to get there
Wdym, it takes 2 hours for u man Fnatic is from UK, 10 hour difference
im obviously talking abt drx dude not fnc.
u are lost....get off vlr for some time
bro ? you high.
don't care about 60 000k u sound dumb asf
flair 💀
I literally owned you like 2 weeks ago why are you back to get flamed again
still haven't fired termi?
Its boggling my mind at this point.
They didn’t get a visa to travel to Jason
I'm pretty sure Zest and RB are on vacation.
could be true
yeah DRX stated this