GC Point system

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Anyone else a little annoyed that GC still uses this point system for LAN qualifying. Sure, I get that there’s not really a viable option for a VCT or T2 ascension style system, but surely there’s something better than this right?

G2 automatically qualify because they were good at the start of the year, and then roster changes happen, and while still being a top team have 3 other GC teams place above them, only 1 of which will be able to attend the LAN because of the system.

I get having a system that helps reward actually winning the first split, but surely we can arrange it in a way that a team that has a drop in performance similar to that of G2 doesn’t get free qualification to the most important event for the GC circuit.


rito stupid


Not to mention that one of the teams that could be screwed over is Falcons from mena, which if I’m correct would be the first LAN appearance for the region as a whole, not just GC.


u just said it tho, they've won. they won the past 2 splits and came in 4th in the most recent one. how is that bad. also u should blame riot for only have 2 slots per region or smth like

its also funny that you bring it up about g2 who have been dominant in emea for the past 2 years even with roster changes while say nothing about v1 who have dominated the past 2 splits with not as strong competition. I think it's better that g2 got knocked off to show how strong emea is becoming

and why don't u keep up that same energy for teams like col? or eg? or fly?


I also don’t like the fact that NA runs on a points system, I just didn’t mention it because I figured V1 is going to win anyway and the second place would probably be the one that ends up going given how close the competition in second place has been. If EG GC placed second, and Shopify ended up going on points I’d be upset as well, it just hasn’t happened yet.

I don’t think early success should be as impactful as to nearly guarantee you a spot in a championship. The issue I have is that G2 are clearly at the moment not a top 2 team in EMEA GC. Assuming the goal of the tournament is supposed to be getting the top 2 teams of each region, how does that achieve this? Imagine being on the 2nd place team in EMEA, whoever that may be, how would you feel that you climbed all the way to the top, but that the roster that placed lower than you gets to go because they won the last two tournaments.

It’s also important to note that G2 placed 4th, but they qualified after winning their first game in playoffs, no?

Edit: if riot added more slots, say 4 for EMEA, and G2 didn’t place within the top 4 I would have the same issue.


well if u see they points means more on the later splits and what u are basically saying is that u want a team to win all the splits and can't have an off split.

I hate to break it to u, not everyone can be like na where u have a team just pumped by VC money and built a super team.

also if falcons or any team lose out on the LAN cuz they didn't do well in split then that's on them why should teams be punished for doing well early on? it's a year long event, a marathon. its not a sprint. if u do well in the beginning then slip up abit towards but have shown ur quality then good for you for being on par. moreover looking at the points u might as well tank in the beginning and just go ham at the end. so ur point doesn't make sense


Nah you example with g2 is exactly why we need a point system in GC.
If you completely remove the points then what are teams playing for in split 1 & 2? GC only has 1 international lan to attend per year

And actually look at the points: it already rewards better performances late into the season WAY more (4th place in split 3 is double the points of winning split 1, and 1st place of split too is 5 points less than 7th-8th in split 3) + gives a direct qualification to the current best team.

A team that wins 2 out of 3 splits and then places 4th in the other split deserves to make it to a lan.


Idk. Maybe it isn’t a point system issue, but the qualifying of G2 after winning 1 game in playoffs is just absurd to me.

For instance, say C9 qualified for champs in 2022 because they were 3rd place in split 1, and then the curry incident happens, and the team is clearly not anywhere near as good as before. It’s not exactly a 1:1 comparison, but imagine how that would feel to teams that do better than C9.

I’d be a lot more sympathetic to G2 if it seemed like this was just an off tournament, if you’re good the entire year and then you just drop a couple matches that you should win that would suck. However, in this situation, they had roster changes (which I get weren’t their fault) and have struggled to perform ever since. It’s clearly not the same team that won those earlier splits.


yea i think the later splits should be worth more points but using G2 is a bad example cause they definitely earned their spot this year


If the G2 was the same one that won split 1/2 I’d agree, but they lost 2 players to retirement or pursuing a different game. They kept the points because they retained the core of 3. Sure the core is the same, but the difference in the level of performance is almost night and day.


the only player they lost this year was mary after winning stage 1. they won stage 2 with the exact roster they just played stage 3 with


How else would you do it tho?? It's the best way imo

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