Anybody with a proper understanding of economy and how things should look like in scenarios as close as possible to a perfect equilibrium, know that these people don't deserve what they are making. Don't get me wrong, it's good for the industry's growth if they get paid high but that's only meant for the orgs that can afford it, and the org that consistently makes it to the top. The fact that most of the final reward ends up with the players doesn't really help the org's situation. The players can cry fowl, but it won't change the truth.
The orgs have to partake in way too much risk for the little reward that they get. Most of it depends on their sources of funds, and not many of them can be self sufficient through marketing. For an org like EG, this was the best move not only for them but to get the Val esport whole market in place. It's only when these players lose their jobs, that they realize that having one was better than not. More and more orgs will financially leverage this situation to cut down on the player's cheques slowly and it will eventually come down to what they actually deserve in the ideal world.