it's been 3 days since my AC has been bad!! and I am dying from heat I am waking up dehydrated
The mechanic from the company came 1ce and didn't know how to fix it, will come again idk when
I am depressed :(!!!!!!! I am having very bad thoughts
Play fortnite creative 2.0
I would but PC's gonna heat up too much without the AC
play mario hotel
dip your balls in cold water. it will cool you down
Play apex
drink tons of water with ice and take cold showers after waking up and before going to sleep. if its still too hot take a shower in the afternoon too. in brazil, summer goes nuts sometimes (30ºC +)
I drank 5 liters of water!! I am still feeling dehydrated XD
That AC maintenance guy is a bitch
all of this is out of your control, so why worry? do what you can and you'll be in mint condition 👍