Por mais que eu odeie ele temos que confessar que ele é absurdo,vocês acham que a KRÜ vai conseguir manter?
Se não pra qual time vocês acham que ele vai?Será que tem chance de alguma das 3 org br dar a louca e contratar o cara?
Mortadelo [#4]I think Flynn is absolutely drunk
he mentioned he might take NagZ role, so he didnt hint Keznit leaving, but keznit having another role
which also sounds drunk, but less drunk than Kez leaving
Gqviria [#5]he mentioned he might take NagZ role, so he didnt hint Keznit leaving, but keznit having another role
which also sounds drunk, but less drunk than Kez leaving
I think he just backed up on his own info xD
Gqviria [#5]he mentioned he might take NagZ role, so he didnt hint Keznit leaving, but keznit having another role
which also sounds drunk, but less drunk than Kez leaving
he said he is starting to like playing initiator flash...
south_america_best_region [#9]he said he is starting to like playing initiator flash...
at this point Flynn is saying everything haha