lmk if something's wrong here:
First ban
Chances are one of the two teams ban Haven.
If PRX bans haven EG will probably ban Bind since its usually their second ban and PRX are good on Bind (maybe or maybe not since PRX didn't get to play it much this season).
If EG bans haven, PRX will probably ban either Fracture or Ascent. Fracture is a decent map for PRX but odds are EG will win Fracture if it is played, whereas Ascent is usually PRX's second ban. From now on, I will just group Ascent and Fracture under one because they're interchangeable based on which one PRX doesn't want to play (since EG can only choose one of the two and the other will be banned on the second ban)
If neither of the two teams ban Haven, chances are it will probably not be chosen, and be banned on the second map. In this case, PRX would ban Fracture/Ascent and EG ban Bind.
PRX pick Bind. If Bind is banned they pick Pearl.
EG pick Fracture/Ascent, whichever isn't banned, with Fracture taking priority.
At this point I assume the scoreline is 1-1, with each team winning their better map.
Second Ban
If Haven is still not banned, I honestly feel like Team A has the advantage. Assuming neither side want to play Haven, Team A is able to ban a different map while Team B has to ban Haven. In this case, team A chooses either Split or Lotus, both maps that PRX likes and EG dislikes.
If PRX banned Haven, the remaining maps are Ascent (assuming EG picked Fracture), Split and Lotus. PRX ban Ascent and the scenario is basically the same as above, but now the chances that EG wins 2-1 or 2-0 is higher since PRX didn't ban Fracture.
If EG banned Haven, the remaining maps are Pearl, Split and Lotus. In this case PRX is favoured.
I will now categorize the 7 maps.
Not played: Haven
Favours EG: Fracture, Ascent
Favours PRX: Bind (?), Pearl (?)
Likely Decider: Lotus, Split
Ultimately it still falls on who's the better team, EG will win fracture if it is picked, and EG's Fracture is way better than PRX on any of their favoured maps. I'm predicting either a PRX 2-1 or and EG 2-0 (coinflip).