Say Pancada and Sacy get dropped from sentinels, do they get back into loud or do caunzin and Tuyz stay
ionlyHave1Zuni [#4]Aspas is going to leave to a EU/NA Team, Less(best player in the world) will get insane offers all around the globe but i dont think he is leaving tbh(maybe joining a team with aspas?), tuyz cauanzin saadhak staying
Less ain't even the best in his role blud. Man said "best in the world" 💀
Yessirskiiii [#5]Less ain't even the best in his role blud. Man said "best in the world" 💀
u dont know ball
ionlyHave1Zuni [#4]Aspas is going to leave to a EU/NA Team, Less(best player in the world) will get insane offers all around the globe but i dont think he is leaving tbh(maybe joining a team with aspas?), tuyz cauanzin saadhak staying
less is not the best player in the world not even best in his role
ionlyHave1Zuni [#6]u dont know ball
Nah man. Less is really fucking good. He's not the best itw. That's Leo or Alfa (Leo imo)
cobalt21312 [#7]less is not the best player in the world not even best in his role
he is. Cleared alfaj0r at lock in while having to carry t0yz
+3 on fraudjor just goat things tbh
ionlyHave1Zuni [#4]Aspas is going to leave to a EU/NA Team, Less(best player in the world) will get insane offers all around the globe but i dont think he is leaving tbh(maybe joining a team with aspas?), tuyz cauanzin saadhak staying
Aspas goes with offer while LOUD yay happens
Yessirskiiii [#3]Cauanzin is really good and alot younger than Sacy so idk bout that. Pancada on controller is miles ahead of TuyZ. Actually i think TuyZ is kinda mid
He did well at Lock in, got over hyped, and then was pretty mid for the actual season.
PootisSpencerHere [#12]Aspas goes with offer while LOUD yay happens
Loud will never hire a player who can't speak portuguese
PootisSpencerHere [#10]SEN Aspas, Sen Sacy, Sen Less, Sen Pancada, Sen Saadhak. 6th man Caunzin EZ trophy. sen becomes what brazilians never wanted. :why;
can't beat edg
i dont think saadhak will drop tuyz yet
saadhak is very much a mentoring IGL, so i think he will try to fully form tuyz before letting him go
of course, if tuyz himselfs tries to go out by his own accord, then saad will prolly let him
And there is no way Less leaves yet, he is being mentored on how to be an IGL he hasnt finished his trainning yet.
cioccolat [#20]i dont think saadhak will drop tuyz yet
saadhak is very much a mentoring IGL, so i think he will try to fully form tuyz before letting him go
of course, if tuyz himselfs tries to go out by his own accord, then saad will prolly let him
And there is no way Less leaves yet, he is being mentored on how to be an IGL he hasnt finished his trainning yet.
saad is probably leaving LOUD next year or retiring
Less will leave LOUD as well + Aspas too.
What people are certain is that Less and Aspas are 100% leaving LOUD.
Also, Sacy is a very ambitious man, its very probable, considering Louds history.
that either Mibr or Furia goes to him and says "Make the team, we will pay", since LOUD was originally only a roster sacy and saadhak made with no org, and LOUD just went, "we will buy the whole thing no worries"
i think it would be a cool head to head
Saadhak's 'Loud
SEN_brasileiros [#21]saad is probably leaving LOUD next year or retiring
Less will leave LOUD as well + Aspas too.What people are certain is that Less and Aspas are 100% leaving LOUD.
Aspas? sure. Less?? No
Also saadhak himself said he aint retiring yet, Less is only leaving after saadhak leaves since saad is training him to be igl
cioccolat [#23]Aspas? sure. Less?? No
Also saadhak himself said he aint retiring yet, Less is only leaving after saadhak leaves since saad is training him to be igl
Both is leaving from source behind scenes, not sure if they're going to play at same team.
Last year it was supposed to be 100T Saadhak + 100T Less but they denied their offer
My guess is that Saad and Less could go together or Less goes with Aspas to somewhere.
NA is really needing a sentinel main
SEN_brasileiros [#24]Both is leaving from source behind scenes, not sure if they're going to play at same team.
Last year it was supposed to be 100T Saadhak + 100T Less but they denied their offer
My guess is that Saad and Less could go together or Less goes with Aspas to somewhere.
NA is really needing a sentinel main
Yo just curious but source for 100t saad and less
Pengu12 [#25]Yo just curious but source for 100t saad and less
I need to find a post about it, but here is the one for saadhak:
If I remember correctly during a podcast they talked about it too it was supposed to be Less + Saadhak at 100T.
Pengu12 [#25]Yo just curious but source for 100t saad and less
less cant talk a word in english you getting baited
Marhuee [#27]less cant talk a word in english you getting baited
nah, ele ia com o saadhak como eu falei.
Less entende inglês ele só n fala, acho q ia fazer duolingo igual pancada kk
acho q agora depois 1 ano nos EUA, ele deve ser mais confiante.
SEN_brasileiros [#24]Both is leaving from source behind scenes, not sure if they're going to play at same team.
Last year it was supposed to be 100T Saadhak + 100T Less but they denied their offer
My guess is that Saad and Less could go together or Less goes with Aspas to somewhere.
NA is really needing a sentinel main
what is your source behind the scenes that they are leaving?
cioccolat [#29]what is your source behind the scenes that they are leaving?
Rumors from close people, but it all depends of what LOUD does in the end.
All I know is that 2 LOUD players are leaving, Aspas + Saadhak, or Aspas + Less
Aspas is the only one certainty leaving
SEN_brasileiros [#28]nah, ele ia com o saadhak como eu falei.
Less entende inglês ele só n fala, acho q ia fazer duolingo igual pancada kk
acho q agora depois 1 ano nos EUA, ele deve ser mais confiante.
o less nao vai sair o cara nao fala ingles e a namorada dele tambem ta na org
O saad em uma das lives recentes disse que ele nao precisa de dinheiro e ele prefere deixar um legado por isso acho q tambem nao sai
o tuyz ele assinou um contrato de 2 anos
caunzin muito novo nao ganhou nada ainda quem vai querer oferecer tanto dinheiro so para o contratar
o aspas provavelmente vai sair
Marhuee [#31]o less nao vai sair o cara nao fala ingles e a namorada dele tambem ta na org
O saad em uma das lives recentes disse que ele nao precisa de dinheiro e ele prefere deixar um legado por isso acho q tambem nao sai
o tuyz ele assinou um contrato de 2 anos
caunzin muito novo nao ganhou nada ainda quem vai querer oferecer tanto dinheiro so para o contratar
o aspas provavelmente vai sair
cara, tu n entende a noção do quão alto tá o salário deles no NA e o quão desvalorizado eles estão recebendo no BR, acho q eles sacaram que Valorant tá complicado de se manter no topo e farmar 1 aninho no NA é a melhor coisa q eles tem pra fazer, até ardiis comentou na live recentemente que qualquer time do NA iria aceitar Less e Aspas tranquilamente, eu acho dificil deles ficarem +1 ano no BR enquanto eles podem farmar 1 ano e voltar, Less n tem fan base absurda igual Sacy tinha pra tomar hate, nem live ele faz, ele tá nem ai pros outros na real.
Eu acho provavel Less sair com alguém da LOUD igual era pra ele ter ido com o Saad pra 100T, acho que Less só sai com alguém.
Yessirskiiii [#3]Cauanzin is really good and alot younger than Sacy so idk bout that. Pancada on controller is miles ahead of TuyZ. Actually i think TuyZ is kinda mid
eg game
SEN_brasileiros [#32]cara, tu n entende a noção do quão alto tá o salário deles no NA e o quão desvalorizado eles estão recebendo no BR, acho q eles sacaram que Valorant tá complicado de se manter no topo e farmar 1 aninho no NA é a melhor coisa q eles tem pra fazer, até ardiis comentou na live recentemente que qualquer time do NA iria aceitar Less e Aspas tranquilamente, eu acho dificil deles ficarem +1 ano no BR enquanto eles podem farmar 1 ano e voltar, Less n tem fan base absurda igual Sacy tinha pra tomar hate, nem live ele faz, ele tá nem ai pros outros na real.
Eu acho provavel Less sair com alguém da LOUD igual era pra ele ter ido com o Saad pra 100T, acho que Less só sai com alguém.
mano, não vale a pena ir pra org gringa se a tua ideia é o legado
pode no máximo 3 jogadores de outra região se n me engano, ou seja, eles ainda vao ter q lidar com 2 gringo
SEN_brasileiros [#30]Rumors from close people, but it all depends of what LOUD does in the end.
All I know is that 2 LOUD players are leaving, Aspas + Saadhak, or Aspas + Less
Aspas is the only one certainty leaving
what people
thiagomds [#14]Loud will never hire a player who can't speak portuguese
he used to play for a Portuguese team when he played cs and had to speak portuguese
cioccolat [#34]mano, não vale a pena ir pra org gringa se a tua ideia é o legado
pode no máximo 3 jogadores de outra região se n me engano, ou seja, eles ainda vao ter q lidar com 2 gringo
Cosmic_ [#36]he used to play for a Portuguese team when he played cs and had to speak portuguese
He played with Xand but I don't know if he can speak portuguese or just the basics.
cioccolat [#22]Also, Sacy is a very ambitious man, its very probable, considering Louds history.
that either Mibr or Furia goes to him and says "Make the team, we will pay", since LOUD was originally only a roster sacy and saadhak made with no org, and LOUD just went, "we will buy the whole thing no worries"i think it would be a cool head to head
Saadhak's 'Loud
stop saying mibr pls :(((( this org os cursed since csgo times, they will never win anything, not because of the players, but the org, you can put the best roster in this org and they'll still lose everything :(((((
alecksdesk [#44]LOUD contract ends next year
we gonna see a BR shuffle... some gonna go for NA teams, sacy and less won't be on the same team, possible 2 superstar teams from BR after that. but i dont think LOUD will stay the same at all.
they got their bag, they will go back to br for similar vibes and they wont have to comm in english
xyzFlavor [#46]Their signed with SEN until the end of 2024
still droppable for SEN if they wanna go full NA
alecksdesk [#47]they got their bag, they will go back to br for similar vibes and they wont have to comm in english
alecksdesk [#47]they got their bag, they will go back to br for similar vibes and they wont have to comm in english
Yessirskiiii [#8]Nah man. Less is really fucking good. He's not the best itw. That's Leo or Alfa (Leo imo)
Chronicle slander, unfortunately