Flag: Europe
Registered: September 5, 2021
Last post: August 30, 2024 at 5:01 PM
Posts: 251
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Now that Jamppi is gone from Liquid, i can only assume the prime liquid team of scream, Nivera, jamppi, l1nk, soulcas returns.

(Yes I know fish123 had kryptix not nivera but idgaf that was still the best liquid team)

posted 6 months ago

Heretics won’t drop more than 10 rounds across both maps. Easy money if you bet on TH

posted 6 months ago


posted 9 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Why is one groups teams playing other groups team? Why is liquid not playing teams in their group etc..???

posted 10 months ago

Can someone pls explain this years vct format with every event for Emea especially because I am too lazy to look it up and i know vlr uses have nothing better to do

posted about a year ago

The greatest esports coach of all time.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

now that everyone has finally been dropped from liquid, its time for them to make a return, win this years ascension, and dominate 2024.

posted about a year ago

Why did sen drop their best player and where is he going?

posted about a year ago

Haven't really been keeping up with offseason, any rumours on who's replacing Soulcas and Sayf?

posted about a year ago

Just thinking about it as a possibility? Would he be willing to relocate, he fits into the role soulcas was playing almost perfectly + he’s a dedicated Sova

posted about a year ago

Is there no crowd for this match or what ??

posted about a year ago

If he wants to actually have any legacy in Val he needs to rejoin a top team.

He has goat potential, rejoining liquid creates a super team which definitely rivals fnatic

Edit: He replaces Soulcas obvs. Maybe soulcas 6th man

posted about a year ago

Emea more teams

posted about a year ago

Say Pancada and Sacy get dropped from sentinels, do they get back into loud or do caunzin and Tuyz stay

posted about a year ago

thats literally what he just said

posted about a year ago

Then there would have been 8 in Lcq and it gives more for the ascension teams to fight for

posted about a year ago

ez fix:


posted about a year ago

Saving strats for the grand final vs fnatic

Should be an easy run through the lower bracket

posted about a year ago
  • Whoever wins out of NRG and Liquid (50/50) will go to lower finals
  • Where they will face EG after a tragically close loss to Fnatics (3rd map Ot)
  • Bye this time EG’s mental is Gone and Liquid/Nrg have strung together a few games, meaning EG will finally crumble
  • then it will be a fnatic vs liquid/nrg final which fnatic take
posted about a year ago

Please can someone make it clear, cos he posted on twitter, but I still dk

posted about a year ago

why do they have to put the last two games 4 days after the previous one, just kills viewer hype, and delays the event

posted about a year ago

*** Crashies is Vidal

Fnatic is Bayern

posted about a year ago

Questioning your ability to even afford rent, after the number of posts/time you've spent on this website,

posted about a year ago

Soulcas' role on liquid is completely different to crashies on NRG, neither could swap on to each others teams

Soulcas util >>>> Crashies
Crashise Aim > soulcas

posted about a year ago

my guy joined the website a year ago, has over 12000 posts and has 0 stars. Its actually impressing, quite an obvious bait

posted about a year ago

my guys changing the subject

posted about a year ago

0/8 check stars

posted about a year ago

every american person dick rides him endlessly, he is A tier at best

posted about a year ago

Player comparison:

Derke >>> Ardiis (realistically everyone knows this is true, derke is the best in the world)
Fns > Boaster (much better calling/midrounding tbf)
Leo >>>>>>>>>>>>> Crashies (crashies is the most overrated player to ever play the game, Leo has the best util in the game and has ten times better aim at the same time, crashies isnt even in the same league as leo)
Alfajer = victor (personally i think alfa is clear, but i can understand victor fans, as he is nrg's best player)
Chronicle >>>> S0m (surely no one can disagree with this)

  • I've suffered too much from NA frauds thinking Crashies and Victor are comparable to Fnatics best players. I even saw some idiot say ardiis is better then derke, i mean how delusional can you get
posted about a year ago

coldest quote i've read

posted about a year ago

Remove the >'s from cauan and tuyz,

  • Sayf is equal to aspas in terms of aim + he isnt a one trick jett

  • Nats is at the very least equal to less

But tbf you got redgar saadhak right

posted about a year ago

very true, excited for the american tears

posted about a year ago

Nats final conversion rate 50%
L0ss final conversion rate 33%

Nats tournament mvp : 1
LEss tournament mvp : 1

Nats tourneys hard carried team : 3 (100%)
Less tourneys carried team : 0 (0%)

All international tournaments obv

posted about a year ago

nAts > less
Sayf= aspas
Jamppi > cauanzin
Soulcas = Tuyz
REdgar > Saadhak

all in terms of firepower

posted about a year ago

Saadhak calling/midrounding is better then Redgar

but Redgar is better mechanically

so yes maybe Saadhak better at IGL only, but overall REdgar is still good Igl and has firepower so he is a more useful asset to a team

posted about a year ago

would've been 6 if liquid didnt have a sub

posted about a year ago

Soulcas has the best util itw, after leo

posted about a year ago

i promise you wont be laughing in 2 weeks

posted about a year ago

redgar = saadak

soulcas > Tuyz

Liquid nearly beat a stronger Loud team last year with L1nk and nivera, it should be comfortable for tehm

posted about a year ago

two team region, with both teams being top 4 itw

posted about a year ago

come back in two weeks, and see if you still saying this

posted about a year ago

best team in the world wont lose in playoffs

posted about a year ago
  1. Fut beat DRX 2-1, where Fut win 13-5 on last map, after barely winning first map
  2. Edg beat T1 in the rematch, going on a Kru champions 2021 esc run
  3. EG don't lose until they face loud or fnatic in the upper bracket, after which they will lose all momentum and lose in the lower bracket
  4. Liquid beat Loud in the upper semifinals, then lose to fnatic in the upper finals
  5. Nrg beat Loud and then liquid in the lower bracket to get to grand finals
  6. Nrg vs Fnatic final Nrg go two maps up, before fnatic reverse sweep to win Tokyo

Winners :fnatic

posted about a year ago

Is he definitely not going or have prx not told us yet?

posted about a year ago

I didn’t watch the match, wondering if anyone can spell it phonetically cos I am confused lol

posted about a year ago


Demon1 not even comparable to s0mething

posted about a year ago

Jamppi 1vs 4 clutch with 1 bullet against Navi was insane

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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