could be a lot of people, maybe JonahP or eeiu or Koalanoob
HM : f0rsaken,Monyet,xffero & Lmemore
Kush can suck my dick
Kush #1 hater spotted
Doggo detected Opinion rejected
Gemma better
Crashies S0m Victor FNS JonahP
jonahP is canadian, victor S0m and crashies are american though?
Ngl, I interpreted it as region
Crashies S0m Victor Trent Valyn
no leaf saj
my humility is through the roof!
1.SugarZ3ro 2.SugarOne 3.SugarTwo 4.SugarThree 5.SugarFour
1.) Chronicle 2.)Nats 3.)Something 4.)Shao 5.)Suygetsu
HM: Trexx,Sheydos,Cloud,Jemkin, V0okashu, Lan d3ffo (never went negative in a bo3 or bo5)
bro's region has no bad players even the exports like demon1 are cracked
what happened to d3ffo? Did he quit valorant or got deployed to Donetsk ?
He played in China for a bit I think or at least for a Chinese team
was playin in china but got eliminated from lcq
Damn. This list is stacked
SugarZ3ro dep Meiy SyouTa Laz
Syouta underrated
No one
Cause everyone is trash (with the exception of rossi on a good day)💀
antidote :)
Ur capping right?
He's good on gold lobbies wdy mean?
crouch sprayer antibot
WBG Maple 🫡
exalt. idk any other cuban players
exalt is okay !
leaf s0m crashies trent ethan
Rossi on a good day that's it
this and maybe lf and vibhorr
vibhorrr highly underrated
Pooped his pants with orangutan tho
d4v41 that's 'bout it
oh yeah ayumiii from gc rrq.kaguya, loving her
Mako Buzz Sayaplayer xeta Rb
1- seven 2 - dcop 3 - solution 4 - maka 5- javiierhh
Pl1xx, Lew, Swerl, dragon, RdeeW, Tixx
Alfajer qw1 QutionerX cNed qRaxs
F0rsaken Mindfreak Tehbotol Lmemore Monyet
I can't name any Indian players cuz none of them are good lmao
Paradox DM Deadly10
Venka Rawfiul Rossi
Bruh Rossi and Rawful ain't that good only jett one tricks
Rossi soloed whole SA wdym.. Dont spend much time on botssi threads
Tesserect wdym
F0rsaken Xffero Monyet Famouz Lmemore
no way dude put famouz over mindfreak
He is better on term of aim tho
i want to say skrossi, but i don't want to
JUGi Akimbo Mimi Avova Seider
aspas Less Txozin (got EG to Tokyo 2nd place, you can't disagree on this one) havoc
Aspas Less Pancada Dgzin Mwzera Havoc Heat Pancc
heat kkkkkk nem vc acredita nisso
aspas less mwzera pancada cauanzin
Sayf Leo Zypaan Godkar Jolinaa
Marved FiNESSE TenZ NiSMO eeiu JonahP
sadly there are no good players from your country, unlucky
ec1s 💪
bro is doing a world tour, he aint even bri*ish anymore
thanks for telling me 👍
Tomaszy DaviH Fizzy Addicted Bati
True esqueci-me do janny
addicted is so much good
True, really underrated
mwzera aspas dg less pancada/sacy
1) Tomaszy 2) Fizzy 3) DaviH 4) Addicted 5) Bati
N1zzy Crazyguy Yesican gin f1cio Hyzee HM: Wukong, TenZ, Marved, 2022 Derrek
Gin and crazyguy so good
Less Pancada Sacy Aspas JZZ Pancc Khalil Dgzin
tex and literally just tex
technically tenz is half Viet so yea
Less mwzera aspas cauanzin dgzin tuyZ heat sacy khalil pANcada HM:Txozin the man who changed the destiny
Kicks is the only valorant pro i know who's is really good
i know that there are some estonians who are playing in t2-t3 leagues but haven't seen anything crazy pop out yet