FNC is really good but

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EMEA as a region is not strong and it's not good for the quality of competition at Champs that EMEA is getting the extra LCQ slot

how did EMEA perform at Tokyo?
FNC went 4-0 (champions, 1st place)
NAVI went 0-2 (11th-12th place)
FUT went 1-2 (9th-10th place)
TL went 1-2 (5th-6th place)
for a total of 6-6 and a 50% winrate. other than FNC, the rest of EMEA went 2-6 and their only wins came against China (FUT 2-1 ASE, TL 2-1 EDG)

i'm going to start with an NA comparison and then extend it to include BR/LATAM as well, i'm only doing this because a lot of the trash talking and comparisons are between EMEA and NA specifically, not between EMEA and Americas as a whole
how did NA perform at Tokyo?
EG went 5-2 (runner-up, 2nd place)
NRG went 4-2 (4th place)
for a total of 9-3 and a 75% winrate.
even including LOUD going 0-2 (7th-8th place), Americas as a whole went 9-5 with a ~64% winrate.

how did Pacific perform at Tokyo?
PRX went 3-2 (3rd place)
DRX went 2-3 (7th-8th place)
T1 went 1-2 (9th-10th place)
for a total of 6-7 and a ~46% winrate.

how did China perform at Tokyo?
EDG went 3-3 (5th-6th place)
ASE went 0-2 (11th-12th place)
for a total of 3-5 and a 37.5% winrate.

while FNC is undoubtedly the strongest team in the world at the moment and they rightfully deserve the Masters trophy, I think that EMEA honestly doesn't deserve them. if you're going to have a team that wins to give your region an extra slot you would expect a lot more from the rest of the region, at least a better performance than 2-6 from the other 3 teams.

looking at the quality of competition in the LCQ too, EMEA's seems to honestly be the least competitive. NAVI is clearly the favorite (despite flopping at Tokyo), and GIA is probably the favorite to take home the second spot, but not necessarily because GIA is really that good but because the rest of the region just kind of... sucks? KCORP, KOI, and TH have been some of the biggest jokes in the franchising league so far, and while BBL has impressed at times there's a reason they only managed to go 3-6. and... that's it? that covers the entirety of the EMEA LCQ competition, NAVI is almost guaranteed to take a spot while the other spot will almost certainly go to GIA or MAYBE BBL if they can somehow pull off the upset

the bottom of the other regions is obviously not great either, DFM and KRU are 0-18 combined and MIBR managed to look even worse than KRU for most of the season, but I honestly think they are pretty comparable to KOI/KC/TH. sure those teams might have 2 wins each, but when you match two trashcans against each other someone has to win right?

looking at the favorites for each region, the clear favorite in Americas is C9, the clear favorite in EMEA is NAVI, and in PAC it's not really clear at all but based on playoff results it would probably be Gen.G. but what would the other regions have had to offer with the EXTRA LCQ slot, OTHER than the favorite?

Americas has LEV/FUR to offer as decently solid teams with potential, with SEN/100T being possible sleepers (if they get their shit together).
Pacific has TS/ZETA as pretty solid teams as well, and other than DFM all of the other teams have shown some potential too, even 9th place TLN started to heat up near the end of league play.
EMEA has Giants i guess? and... BBL as a somewhat okay sleeper?
(remember I'm excluding the favorites to win LCQ from these lists since this is referring to the second LCQ slot)
I might be biased but I would definitely take LEV/FUR or TS/ZETA over GIA/BBL.

TL;DR: FNC is an amazing team and I'm glad to see them succeed, it's just kind of disappointing that they're earning their region extra spots when the rest of their region frankly just seems undeserving of them and doesn't seem like they're up to the level of the other regions



ItsMeDio [#2]



Master_oGgway [#3]




Daily "1 team region" copium thread


Daily "1 team region" copium thread


Daily "1 team region" copium thread


Before anyone comments about it, yes I purposely excluded VIT from this conversation. They were a solid team this year and the Twisten situation is a tragedy, may he rest in peace. But since VIT has withdrawn from the EMEA LCQ, and I'm mostly talking about the extra LCQ slot specifically, there isn't really a point in discussing them.


Daily "1 team region" copium thread


Welp, the rest of the team in that region has to step up

Dybala21 [#10]

Welp, the rest of the team in that region has to step up

And the funny thing is he mentions the emea teams records but fails to mention how fut did better against eg than loud and navi did better against edg than loud and they are the 3rd and 4th best teams in the emea region
Liquid almost 2-0ed nrg as nrg only won because liquid choked on haven so nrg and liquid the 2nd best teams of the emea and Americas regions are equal
So I don’t understand Americas thought process sure they have the better record but
Navi and fut> loud in masters tokyo if you ignore the record win records and look at performance alone emea actually looked better than Americas as a whole


Dont u have anything better to do?


why do u ppl care so much about middle of the pack teams? do u rlly want 100t fans at champs yelling out enemy teams positions? lmfao.


Put [ALLAT] in title só people know it’s an essay


Why do you care this much? it's not like the 5th place in americas would go and do a championship run... And anyway, americas are really not that better than EMEA lol. Mind you that NAVI possibly performed better than LOUD, FNATIC better than EG, and liquid barely lost against NRG. They are very close and you are definitely overstating it.

Americas win rate is highly inflated for having their best and second best team in groups. Put FNC and TL instead of NRG and EG and the results wouldve been the same. Not to mention that EMEA had 4 teams so ofc the average mean strenght would be lower even if the top 3 seed were as good...

You are getting too much confirmation bias from your data and you are not even thinking it through

And defintely taking TS/ZETA over GIANTS/BBL is an insane take LOL


I did actually read all of that and I have to agree. While EMEA is not a 1 tier region I feel like the champions spot would be better if it went to furia/sen/100t or c9 as they are still better than huge parts of the EMEA league.
Ig unlucky that FNC won.

shizuku_hajime [#11]

And the funny thing is he mentions the emea teams records but fails to mention how fut did better against eg than loud and navi did better against edg than loud and they are the 3rd and 4th best teams in the emea region
Liquid almost 2-0ed nrg as nrg only won because liquid choked on haven so nrg and liquid the 2nd best teams of the emea and Americas regions are equal
So I don’t understand Americas thought process sure they have the better record but
Navi and fut> loud in masters tokyo if you ignore the record win records and look at performance alone emea actually looked better than Americas as a whole

facts right there, this guy put on a whole mfing essay and didn't even think about the possibility of his data being just confirmation bias. You can hav all the data in the world but if you dont understand the causations/correlations of it, you might as well stay silent


EMEA as a region is not strong and it's not good for the quality of competition at Champs that EMEA is getting the extra LCQ slot

how did EMEA perform at Tokyo?
FNC went 4-0 (champions, 1st place)
NAVI went 0-2 (11th-12th place)
FUT went 1-2 (9th-10th place)
TL went 1-2 (5th-6th place)
for a total of 6-6 and a 50% winrate. other than FNC, the rest of EMEA went 2-6 and their only wins came against China (FUT 2-1 ASE, TL 2-1 EDG)

i'm going to start with an NA comparison and then extend it to include BR/LATAM as well, i'm only doing this because a lot of the trash talking and comparisons are between EMEA and NA specifically, not between EMEA and Americas as a whole
how did NA perform at Tokyo?
EG went 5-2 (runner-up, 2nd place)
NRG went 4-2 (4th place)
for a total of 9-3 and a 75% winrate.
even including LOUD going 0-2 (7th-8th place), Americas as a whole went 9-5 with a ~64% winrate.

how did Pacific perform at Tokyo?
PRX went 3-2 (3rd place)
DRX went 2-3 (7th-8th place)
T1 went 1-2 (9th-10th place)
for a total of 6-7 and a ~46% winrate.

how did China perform at Tokyo?
EDG went 3-3 (5th-6th place)
ASE went 0-2 (11th-12th place)
for a total of 3-5 and a 37.5% winrate.

while FNC is undoubtedly the strongest team in the world at the moment and they rightfully deserve the Masters trophy, I think that EMEA honestly doesn't deserve them. if you're going to have a team that wins to give your region an extra slot you would expect a lot more from the rest of the region, at least a better performance than 2-6 from the other 3 teams.

looking at the quality of competition in the LCQ too, EMEA's seems to honestly be the least competitive. NAVI is clearly the favorite (despite flopping at Tokyo), and GIA is probably the favorite to take home the second spot, but not necessarily because GIA is really that good but because the rest of the region just kind of... sucks? KCORP, KOI, and TH have been some of the biggest jokes in the franchising league so far, and while BBL has impressed at times there's a reason they only managed to go 3-6. and... that's it? that covers the entirety of the EMEA LCQ competition, NAVI is almost guaranteed to take a spot while the other spot will almost certainly go to GIA or MAYBE BBL if they can somehow pull off the upset

the bottom of the other regions is obviously not great either, DFM and KRU are 0-18 combined and MIBR managed to look even worse than KRU for most of the season, but I honestly think they are pretty comparable to KOI/KC/TH. sure those teams might have 2 wins each, but when you match two trashcans against each other someone has to win right?

looking at the favorites for each region, the clear favorite in Americas is C9, the clear favorite in EMEA is NAVI, and in PAC it's not really clear at all but based on playoff results it would probably be Gen.G. but what would the other regions have had to offer with the EXTRA LCQ slot, OTHER than the favorite?

Americas has LEV/FUR to offer as decently solid teams with potential, with SEN/100T being possible sleepers (if they get their shit together).
Pacific has TS/ZETA as pretty solid teams as well, and other than DFM all of the other teams have shown some potential too, even 9th place TLN started to heat up near the end of league play.
EMEA has Giants i guess? and... BBL as a somewhat okay sleeper?
(remember I'm excluding the favorites to win LCQ from these lists since this is referring to the second LCQ slot)
I might be biased but I would definitely take LEV/FUR or TS/ZETA over GIA/BBL.

TL;DR: FNC is an amazing team and I'm glad to see them succeed, it's just kind of disappointing that they're earning their region extra spots when the rest of their region frankly just seems undeserving of them and doesn't seem like they're up to the level of the other regions

shizuku_hajime [#11]

And the funny thing is he mentions the emea teams records but fails to mention how fut did better against eg than loud and navi did better against edg than loud and they are the 3rd and 4th best teams in the emea region
Liquid almost 2-0ed nrg as nrg only won because liquid choked on haven so nrg and liquid the 2nd best teams of the emea and Americas regions are equal
So I don’t understand Americas thought process sure they have the better record but
Navi and fut> loud in masters tokyo if you ignore the record win records and look at performance alone emea actually looked better than Americas as a whole

It dont matter they all got 2x0ed


American cope, Lulquid will place top 3 at champs. Your region deserves 2 slots at most for Loud and whatever shit NA team is the best atm.


cry is free. emea will have 5 teams and you cant do nothing about it but watch

Asuna_Yuuki [#19]

It dont matter they all got 2x0ed

your teams by FNC maybe? because NAVI went always on 3 maps and NRG won 2-1 on liquid and honestly it shoudlve gone the other way

kaibe8 [#16]

I did actually read all of that and I have to agree. While EMEA is not a 1 tier region I feel like the champions spot would be better if it went to furia/sen/100t or c9 as they are still better than huge parts of the EMEA league.
Ig unlucky that FNC won.

furia/sen/100T may be better than BBL/GIANTS but they are definitely not on another tier.



FNC at international LAN in 2023:


Rest of EMEA:


cope EU


you wrote allat for what?


Read allat
nice and factual

The_Cleg [#22]

your teams by FNC maybe? because NAVI went always on 3 maps and NRG won 2-1 on liquid and honestly it shoudlve gone the other way

EDG 2-0 NaVi

Also how should it have gone the other way for Liquid?

Asuna_Yuuki [#27]

EDG 2-0 NaVi

Also how should it have gone the other way for Liquid?

Right it was a 2-0 but was a double OT. If you don't even consider that than FNC clear 3-0 Ez just go home

shizuku_hajime [#11]

And the funny thing is he mentions the emea teams records but fails to mention how fut did better against eg than loud and navi did better against edg than loud and they are the 3rd and 4th best teams in the emea region
Liquid almost 2-0ed nrg as nrg only won because liquid choked on haven so nrg and liquid the 2nd best teams of the emea and Americas regions are equal
So I don’t understand Americas thought process sure they have the better record but
Navi and fut> loud in masters tokyo if you ignore the record win records and look at performance alone emea actually looked better than Americas as a whole

so the only reason FNC closed out the series 3-0 was because EG choked then right? just want to make sure we're on the same page


Will this copium phase NA is experimenting take much longer?
This arc is getting boring

shizuku_hajime [#11]

And the funny thing is he mentions the emea teams records but fails to mention how fut did better against eg than loud and navi did better against edg than loud and they are the 3rd and 4th best teams in the emea region
Liquid almost 2-0ed nrg as nrg only won because liquid choked on haven so nrg and liquid the 2nd best teams of the emea and Americas regions are equal
So I don’t understand Americas thought process sure they have the better record but
Navi and fut> loud in masters tokyo if you ignore the record win records and look at performance alone emea actually looked better than Americas as a whole

EG and NRG > Navi Fut and Liquid

Itsover [#20]

American cope, Lulquid will place top 3 at champs. Your region deserves 2 slots at most for Loud and whatever shit NA team is the best atm.

tl navi and fut got obliterated by EG and NRG tho


someone forgot navi 13-2ed LEV?

Gutwi [#33]

someone forgot navi 13-2ed LEV?

didn't EG 13-2 TL

keener1600 [#32]

tl navi and fut got obliterated by EG and NRG tho



Daily "1 team region" copium thread

tttangent [#34]

didn't EG 13-2 TL

On EGs only good map

tttangent [#29]

so the only reason FNC closed out the series 3-0 was because EG choked then right? just want to make sure we're on the same page

Do you watch games or do you just read scores? He's saying that Liquid choked and would have won 2-0 because Liquid was up 12-7 on ascent in first map after which they lost 7 rounds in a row.


Why is bro so mad

wizardbot [#38]

Do you watch games or do you just read scores? He's saying that Liquid choked and would have won 2-0 because Liquid was up 12-7 on ascent in first map after which they lost 7 rounds in a row.

yeah EG choked and wouldn't have gotten 3-0'd because EG was up 12-7 on bind in third map after which they lost 7 rounds in a row.

tttangent [#40]

yeah EG choked and wouldn't have gotten 3-0'd because EG was up 12-7 on bind in third map after which they lost 7 rounds in a row.

i clearly never said FNC wouldn't have won, I just said by his exact same logic the only reason FNC won 3-0 was because EG choked

tttangent [#41]

i clearly never said FNC wouldn't have won, I just said by his exact same logic the only reason FNC won 3-0 was because EG choked

saying team A only won because team B choked takes away from team A's accomplishment is my point

NRG earned their win over TL, just like FNC earned their 3-0 sweep over EG

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