NA vs EU All Time Record

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Throughout all events in 2021, 2022, and the 2023 circuit so far, if we include Sao Paulo the record is:

NA: 15

EU: 13

If we exclude Sao Paulo for all the cry baby's who will call FNC major winners, then exclude the relevance of Sao Paulo once ppl talk about how the other 9 EU teams got shit on, the record is



50% excluding Sao Paulo, 53.57% leaning in favor of NA when including Sao Paulo... Soon to be 16 tonight if optic core doesn't fuck around and do that slow start shit again.

Moral of the story is, EU if you want to claim Fraudnatic as a major winner, then you also have to admit NA beats you, more than you beat them.




Expected EU L

Game tonight is gonna be fire

Oh no here comes all the EU dicksuckers coming to tell me that my numbers are fake lmao

Yessirskiiii [#2]


numbers dont lie, cry elsewhere


NA 16
EU 13

You're forgetting that NRG gonna destroy NAVI today

PooFaceCe [#4]

numbers dont lie, cry elsewhere



Now count the trophies

lilcheese [#7]

Now count the trophies

EU had a golden era for 2021 and has been a one team region ever since... champs, and berlin were the last events EU as an entire region were collectively good.

PooFaceCe [#4]

numbers dont lie, cry elsewhere


despite NA winning more series

EMEA has more maps

(and more rounds(dont matter as much))

PooFaceCe [#8]

EU had a golden era for 2021 and has been a one team region ever since... champs, and berlin were the last events EU as an entire region were collectively good.

numbers dont lie, cry elsewhere

sentinelmain377 [#9]


despite NA winning more series

EMEA has more maps

(and more rounds(dont matter as much))

Is that including EG last night? Also yea I would agree on the principle if it wasnt only +2 though, like +2 maps of 28 different series is literally nothing, that could literally come down to one close bo5, so it doesn't solidly change the narrative, especially when a map doesn't carry nearly as much weight as a win.

PooFaceCe [#11]

Is that including EG last night? Also yea I would agree on the principle if it wasnt only +2 though, like +2 maps of 28 different series is literally nothing, that could literally come down to one close bo5, so it doesn't solidly change the narrative, especially when a map doesn't carry nearly as much weight as a win.

including EG last night

PooFaceCe [#8]

EU had a golden era for 2021 and has been a one team region ever since... champs, and berlin were the last events EU as an entire region were collectively good.

Fpx won masters dumbass and they would have won reykjavik too if they were there.


we really dont care we got more trophies and thats all matters

lilcheese [#10]

numbers dont lie, cry elsewhere

I'm not crying though? NA has literally just started beating EU more and more with time lmao, ur region is becoming washed up, hope to see u back here after the game tonight.

n1cf [#14]

we really dont care we got more trophies and thats all matters

"trophy's" dont matter, Majors matter, the only reason Sao Paulo mattered was to give ur region an advantage here, so if you win, thats what Sao Paulo was for


EU shitters also only win single elim tournaments. Copenhagen was their only true win, rest were due to shitty formats

Yistyy [#17]

EU shitters also only win single elim tournaments. Copenhagen was their only true win, rest were due to shitty formats

Say it again for the EU ppl with learning disabilities in the back 🗣

PooFaceCe [#15]

I'm not crying though? NA has literally just started beating EU more and more with time lmao, ur region is becoming washed up, hope to see u back here after the game tonight.

NA Last event won April 24th 2022
EU last even won March 4th 2023

2 of laast 3 events won by EU. If EU is " becoming washed up" than NA is already a dead region i guess + cry more

PooFaceCe [#16]

"trophy's" dont matter, Majors matter, the only reason Sao Paulo mattered was to give ur region an advantage here, so if you win, thats what Sao Paulo was for

Even if u don't count lock in emea has more trophies than NA lol

PooFaceCe [#8]

EU had a golden era for 2021 and has been a one team region ever since... champs, and berlin were the last events EU as an entire region were collectively good.

Copenhagen? All 3 teams were good. Reykjavik can't be even counted, but even still 4th seed made it to playoffs and FPX/Fnatic would have been strong contenders. Reykjavik was just unlucky and in Champions they fumbled and even in Champions all 3 made it to playoffs unlike NA lol

lilcheese [#19]

NA Last event won April 24th 2022
EU last even won March 4th 2023

2 of laast 3 events won by EU. If EU is " becoming washed up" than NA is already a dead region i guess + cry more

No EU's last win was July 24th 2022 lmao, Sao Paulo doesn't hold any relevancy unless the slot they competed for gets them a win in this tournament (it wont).

Also having one team from ur region do good doesn't make the region collectively good, the last time u won a major it was ONLY FPX, in Sao Paulo it was ONLY FNC.

Yistyy [#17]

EU shitters also only win single elim tournaments. Copenhagen was their only true win, rest were due to shitty formats

what is this copium, then why dont NA win single elim tournaments?

PooFaceCe [#22]

No EU's last win was July 24th 2022 lmao, Sao Paulo doesn't hold any relevancy unless the slot they competed for gets them a win in this tournament (it wont).

Also having one team from ur region do good doesn't make the region collectively good, the last time u won a major it was ONLY FPX, in Sao Paulo it was ONLY FNC.

Last time NA won, it was ONLY OPTIC, last time NA went to grand final, it was ONLY OPTIC

PooFaceCe [#22]

No EU's last win was July 24th 2022 lmao, Sao Paulo doesn't hold any relevancy unless the slot they competed for gets them a win in this tournament (it wont).

Also having one team from ur region do good doesn't make the region collectively good, the last time u won a major it was ONLY FPX, in Sao Paulo it was ONLY FNC.

July 24th 2022 still comes after April 24th 2022 DUMMY 😭😭😭😭

+When was the last time other NA team made top 4 beide Floptic? And now that chamber is done they are hit aswell. + cry more

PooFaceCe [#22]

No EU's last win was July 24th 2022 lmao, Sao Paulo doesn't hold any relevancy unless the slot they competed for gets them a win in this tournament (it wont).

Also having one team from ur region do good doesn't make the region collectively good, the last time u won a major it was ONLY FPX, in Sao Paulo it was ONLY FNC.

The last time u won a major it was ONLY OPTIC.
Wtf is this logic. Emea has more accomplishments than na even if u don't include lock in. Emea has also won a trophy later than NA lol

PooFaceCe [#22]

No EU's last win was July 24th 2022 lmao, Sao Paulo doesn't hold any relevancy unless the slot they competed for gets them a win in this tournament (it wont).

Also having one team from ur region do good doesn't make the region collectively good, the last time u won a major it was ONLY FPX, in Sao Paulo it was ONLY FNC.

Imagine trying to use that as an argument when same can be said about every single team and region. The Guard made it straight into playoffs in Reykjavik 22 and got 0-2d and eliminated.

PooFaceCe [#22]

No EU's last win was July 24th 2022 lmao, Sao Paulo doesn't hold any relevancy unless the slot they competed for gets them a win in this tournament (it wont).

Also having one team from ur region do good doesn't make the region collectively good, the last time u won a major it was ONLY FPX, in Sao Paulo it was ONLY FNC.

And where is the second team besides optic for NA exactly or SEN on 2021?
cause i cant see any of them making waves except you wanna claim LOUD as NA now.
At least EMEA has 4 different teams winning shit in FNC, Acend, FPX and Gambit

GreyDaze [#20]

Even if u don't count lock in emea has more trophies than NA lol

that blud is trying so hard to make na look superior that he only counts EU trophies kekw

PooFaceCe [#18]

Say it again for the EU ppl with learning disabilities in the back 🗣

You mean how the only 2 tournaments na 1 was the 1st 1 which is the 2nd worst tournament as the skill level was far below all the other events that have come after it and the worst event where all 3 of emea top teams couldn’t be there as m3c barely got beat by fnatic and lost to a g2 taht was playing the best they ever had and managed to fluke their way to masters when m3c should’ve gone instead then fnatic went but had to play with 2 subs and 1 of their players that couldn’t play was their best player at the time by far derke while fpx couldn’t attend the event at all and they were the best emea team you talk about fluke it’s na that has had the biggest fluke wins the worst 2 tournaments were the ones you won the 1st 1 where nobody k ew how to properly play yet and the 1 where literally the 3 best teams if the dominant region at the time either couldn’t make it or had players that couldn’t play due to issues outside their control the irony of na fans galling about fluke wins when na has only won the worst tournaments where the quality is the worst out of all tournaments


why is NA crying again?

lilcheese [#25]

July 24th 2022 still comes after April 24th 2022 DUMMY 😭😭😭😭

+When was the last time other NA team made top 4 beide Floptic? And now that chamber is done they are hit aswell. + cry more

"Floptic" got 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in one year, lemme know when Fraudnatic gets their first first place at a meaningful event

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