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Now as they lost a series to a Team, it's now time to see how they bounce back in Master Tokyo. Their player quality is insane and they can reset from this loss every quickly. I think now as they have lost regional Title , They will prepare hard for Tokyo .


its a good learning experience for them, teams learn more when they lose. i still think they are the team to beat.


Finally a liquid that isn’t arrogantly claiming they are better than fnatic just because they beat them fnatic have been saving strats the entire vct emea not just the split but the playoffs as well and since the grand final didn’t really matter in terms of whether they went to playoffs or group stage as they confirmed playoffs by getting to the final they weren’t going to throw away all their work of getting to masters tokyo playoffs by try Harding and showing all their strats in a grand final that realistically had no stakes plus fnatic were having an off day boasters calling was very weird and everyone but alfajer was missing shots they normally hit 9 times out of 10 especially chronicle and derke they usually play much better chronicle only had 40 kills after 4 maps 2 maps went to 13-11 and 1 map went to 14-12 with the last one going to 13-6 he got that same amout of kills in against fut or even more i mean on 3 maps that were 13-9 13-2 and 13-1 the fact that fantuc still played a close series with both derke and especially chronicle playing so bad against a liquid side that was playing so well is quite frankly frightening to me it’s shows just how truly terrifying fantuc are the fact that they had a chance to win the series with their start duelist underperforming their igl making weird uncharacteristic calls and 1 of their players having his worst series for fnatic so far it shows how good they are Leo was playing quite well and alfajer was a monster but if only 2 of your players are playing at that high of a level and they are still playing a close series with liquid once they start actually suing their tactics and stop saving their strats at masters tokyo and all their players are back to this normal selves they will be frightening plus soulcas who is usually inconsistent was having a great series as well so liquid hit the jack pot that series a rare derke and chronicle off series, a boaster igl off series and a soulcas great series honestly if fnatic still won this series they might just be unbeatable with how much was going in liquids favour for this matchup





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