which teams were saving strats these last few weeks?
to be honest i think NRG have been saving strats but on accident, what i mean by that is, we haven't seen RECENTLY their Fracture, ASCENT and LOTUS just because they have been 2-0ing most of the teams. Those are all maps where it has been at least 2-3 weeks since they have played them and they def have been practicing on them so I think they having strats on them that they didnt necessarily "save" on purpose, it was more like they got Lucky that they didn't have to show them so now teams wont know what they run on those maps.
Also even on Sliggy's stream, it def seemed like on bind NRG were changing their setups/strats to make it harder to prep for them in the future. Even in sliggy said it. Some of their setups kinda looked "troll" (specifically talking about the cove on b site that s0m threw towards spawn that that leaves a gap in that widely used corner). All in all, it just seemed like they were using alot of different setups to make it harder to prep which ones they are going to do.