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Registered: August 1, 2021
Last post: December 15, 2024 at 6:26 AM
Posts: 70
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I think it's interesting the contrast between people who really know about the game, and us on VLR. No hate to you, but you say NRG need to be more confident in their setups and rely to much on the individuals, on the other hand for all of us who were watching with sliggy watchparty, He was constantly saying that their Setups we're actually really super super strong and their teamwork was good throughout the whole tournament.
Now im not saying sliggy opinion is law or anything, but I would argue he is more knowledgeable in the game than us and my own opinion was that NRG teamplay was good, so I would agree with his than yours but that just prefrence.

I also think this goes to show how people are never satisfied.(Not specifically to the OP but in general). In the past it was "NRG seem to have big-brain setups and reads and igling but their firepower is lacking." Now that they have better firepower and are looking good it's, "Yeh they have good firepower but now their teamplay is bad and IGL is lacking so they are getting carried". Which for the latter case just isnt true, FNS was calling really well and their setups were pretty good and they were fragging.
Just intersting how people see things lol
Lmk what yall tthink people

I want to hear people thoughts/opinion
Good day!

posted 2 months ago

1st day of scrims
Look at the date of this tweet, I am an NRG fan but i'm not braindead/ i give people props and i apologize if i make a mistake. Myb lol, thought they had start only in feburary but it was January
They started scrims beginning of January, So we can assume ig that they had 2 months of scrims cause the SEN game was beginning of march. Also why do you count them scrimming with N4rrate/Sinatra, if they were scrimming with them and then had to change teammates, they just lost all that chemistry(which was probably very little anyways). Then they started scrimming with their current roster January 3rd accoriding to that tweet.

I am not saying NRG would've won had they practiced more or anything, I dont know and I dont want to get into hyptheticals, SEN won, they were clearly the better team etc. But they def had less practice than them/chemistry. SEN literally spammed off-season tournaments and had chemistry and just more experience with their roster. The NRG roster DID scrim in december but they were trialing, The current roster of Demon1,Crashies,Marved,Victor, and Ethan only started practicing in January, And I guess something happened because when the playesrs were asked, they said they only had 1 month to scrim, So either some big situations happened and they couldnt scrim or they are just straight up lying cause they themselves said they only had about 1 month/ + half

posted 9 months ago

I agree with you, this guy shouldn't be downplaying SEN's Madrid win even if there Asterics on it but IDK what YOUR talking about lol. The NRG guys were def not scrimming with Demon1 and Ethan before lol. They had a bunch of tryouts with many people, (Narrate, Sinatra, ETC). If you watched one of the NRG videos, Chet is literally saying how he did not if they were going to get them both because of some circumstances with the ORG and he was betting everything on it. They themselves said they only had a month to scrim, and it was definitely visible. I dont know where your getting that they had a few months to practice lol. At the MOST they had a month and half.

SEN deserved the Madrid win because they were/ARE the best team itw. But they definitelty DID have more practice and just chemistry/Match experience from spamming Off-season tournaments which alot of other teams weren't doing, That is those teams fault but some teams like NRG just literaly could not because... sh1t the NRG roster only became a definite thing only a month before the season started lol.

posted 9 months ago

So I have a question for all the people making threads about NRG being overrated... Yall seem more angry that NRG won than lost. Like what were you expecting? People are calling NRG overrated. Ok Cool. Lets take a top 2 team in the world, lets say SEN or GENG. If SEN or GENG played Furia right now, everyone would predict them to STOMP Furia right? Why? Because Furia is NOT GOOD, and SEN/GENG are a REALLY REALLY REALLY good team right? So if a super good teams plays against a super bad team, it should be a stomp right? If SEN/GENG played furia and it went 2/3maps and all of them were super close (13-10/13-11/13-9 etc). People would be flaming SEN/GENG because even though they won, they should've dont it more convincingly right since they are SOO GOOD?
So my thing is, Split- NRG STOMPED Furia and pistols were even. On Breeze it was 13-8,(FURIA WON BOTH PISTOLS WHICH BASICALLY =4 rounds) take those away thats a 13-4. Everyone INCLUDING PROS/ANALYST(sliggy) have said that Pistol rounds are the most RNG thing in this game, obv u can have strats to have a better % of winning but it's mostly RNG. So if we are talking Pure gun rounds NRG STOMPED FURIA on both maps. Something that a SUPER GOOD TEAM should do right? Like i said before, if SEN/GENG played furia rn, people would expect them to STOMP FURIA like how NRG did.
Just using logic here guys, NRG is a good team. Yeh we dont know where they are in top4 etc but they are DEF in the top 4 somewhere.

Lets say KRU/Mibr played FURIA, everyone would expect the MAPS to be close/even go to 3 maps BECAUSE they all decent/mid teams.
Yall are saying FURIA as being a bad team which they are, but not everyteam in the league I GUARANTEE you would beat FURIA like this unless your a top team a.k.a (LEV/SEN/GENG idk how i feel about C9, LEV lowkey could've just been playing bad idk but whatever)

posted 10 months ago

Ok so lets just start, I disagree. But the thing I don't understand is, (No disrespect to U the OP) but FNS watched the comms video on stream and he said in his words "this is what i expected... im not surprised". Basically he was saying their comms are so good and he was alrr expecting this. He also said "Uhhh the comms are too good". But now you're saying that their comms are kinda hectic and talking over each other. No disrespect to you but FNS has played with 3/5 of those guys on that team. He was a pro for awhile as we all no. I watched it myself and to me it didnt sound bad/all over the place. If i'm just a random person i'm probably going to go with the person who has played at the T1 level for like 2-3 years AND has played with half of that team. If he says they are good comms they prob are. And i watched it before i saw FNS's reaction and i alr was thinking the comms were really good.

What makes u say the comms were bad? I geniunely just don't get it. like yeh at times it may have seemed like they got "hectic" but if u pay close attention, one guy would say a com and the other guy would say it in the next half a sec. They are not overcomming or anything of the sort. They just say a com and the other guy happen to say it aswell, and when that com gets communicated, they move on to the next most important information.
Idk where u got chaotic from but that just my POV.

posted 11 months ago

question, when did Demon1 say this? in a youtube video, after a match, on stream? When? I don't believe it, and I would like to see it if i can

posted 11 months ago

Do you have proof/any screenshot of this? I need to be on that NRG hopium for Champions.

posted about a year ago

When have they beaten LEV? like im not trying to disprove ur point but did i miss something these past couple of months? When did NRG start beating LEV in scrims? I would imagine this started before Tokyo. If that's true thats funny lmao.

posted about a year ago

wait WHAT? FNS was talking about retirement? NAH bro send that video/link now? I have to see that, that has to be a troll no? NA IS literally doomed if FNS retires.

FNS CANT RETIRE OR WE ARE ALL DOOMED. Only person in Americas that could replace him is Saadhak but other than that.


posted about a year ago

I know I know I know I know I know, another thread about NA superteam... but please as an NRG fan/NA fan.

I NEED YOU GUYS TO TELL ME what Superteam(s) (i use plural because with how big the Americas Region we should have enough cracked talent to make more than one) in NA/Americas can compete with FNATIC rn. Hopefully more from NA because it can me from all Americas.

I feel like we have enough crack talent that should be able to keep with up FNATIC, they just aren't concentrated in 1 team.
Cmon lets name some. (Well yall idk im just here to see what yall come up with)

Lets get it goingggggggg :))))

posted about a year ago

damn, is it crazy that i lowkey forgot Yay was on DSG... like that should tell u how crazy it is that we live in timeline that Yay isn't in franchising and that the team he was on got regulated. Pray for my man YAY

posted about a year ago

Who do you guys from the challengers/Ascencion leagues will be poached onto to franchised teams in NA. Im asking because the cracked out zoomers that we have an NA arent really on the franchised team yet and it seems like we're missing out. I say this cause FNATIC did that with Alfajer Leo Chronicle all being relatively young while in NA most of the Franchised teams have stayed the same relatively. Cause tbh I don't think the best of the best in NA are all on franchised teams rn. Ik it's recency bias but when I look at the FNATIC/EG roster im like damn, they have cracked out kids who can all just take over the game. Same with liquid tbh.

But in NA apart from EG, we have NRG(my favorite team btw). Basically I want a FNATIC like team but in NA cause i dont feel like we have really a superteam.(albeit idk cause EG is lowkey staarting to become one). And i feel like we could have multiple superteams in NA if NA orgs do good in roster mania and take a chance on the younger cracked players. I hate talking about AIM cause obv everyone has good AIM at this level but I feel like there are def people who would some good NA teams into Super teams. to keep up with the FNATIC/EG/PRX(With something).
IMPORTANT- NRG is making the lower-bracket running and Winning TOKYO Copium lmao. (FNS if u see this please win for us NRG fansssss)

Opionions? please dont hate me for this :/...

posted about a year ago

Thats the goal my friend. As long as an NRG/LOUD win im happy. Im fine with EG aswell but preferably the formers.

posted about a year ago

DAMNN LMAO, Wait so were you not impressed with how EG looked yesterday? Their firepower seemed insane yesterday and the game against FUT aswell as their tactical side. Is there something that caught your eye that u didnt like?

posted about a year ago

true, if NRG win, dont jinx my team rn bro. They could lose T1. Lets wait for after the match to do these predictions of draws and stuff because I feel like people are alr saying NRG is in playoffs. And i feel like if NRG lose to t1, they will lose in lowers idk just a feeling.


posted about a year ago

ah I got you bro, ik what u mean now. Damn so you think a team like NRG/LOUD or even EG could like beat FNATIC like 13-8/13-6? Or basically not let FNATIC even get 9 rounds? I feel like thats my definition of convingly, if u can beat a team only giving them 8-9 then. Idk about your definition but in my head i just can't see FNATIC losing to a team convincgly but now that u say it lets talk about.

Their firepower is def insane but do you not think tactically FNATIC is up there with LOUD/NRG and i guess at this point as well EGs? I watched some of their games but not all, do they really get bailed out a SHITON with their individual skill or are their strats really good aswell?

posted about a year ago

I PRAY NOT, i want this to be the upper final game, I want an EL Clasico just not at the beginning,

I want NRG and LOUD to beat their respective sides of the bracket and then meet each other in Uppers. That would be the best storyline i feel like

posted about a year ago

I was about to get on ur ass but then I realized u said Americas... and im an NRG/LOUD fan(nrg fan 1st though). I mean yeh they did really well but dominated is a strong word, i wouldnt say dominate but yeh they are insane.

Also why do you think it would be a convincing win, like im def not against the fact that LOUD can beat FNATIC cause they DEF can. But to say it will be convincing is kinda disrespectful to FNATIC imo. Like any team that can beat FNATIC in my head, it will ALWAYS be a close/banger of game. I don't think it will ever be like super super convincing like FNATIC straight up looked like the worst team. Their talent + strats just make it seem impossible for them to be convincingly won on.

But I do agree LOUD def have the best chance of winning against them I feel like.

posted about a year ago

i mean we will just have to wait and see, maybe EG/NRG are just that good and can beat them. Lets and find out but please STOP jinxing my NRG team bro. They havent played T1 yet, it's not a guanratee they qualify. I'm lowkey scared NRG gets grouped now cause people have made so many post on NRG's win/ how it should be a 2-0 for T1. Like if T1 beat NRG, i think NAVI beat NRG in lowers cause yk rematch buff and fix ur mistakes.

SO PLEASE lets not talk as if NRG are alr in playoffs.

posted about a year ago

I mean bro the statement is obv no? Like if a team plays in a harder more competitive LEAGUE, it forces them to improve to keep up since the competition is harder and if they don't than they will be left behind. Honestly I think thats why EG is lowkey so good. They literally were playing the LOUDs NRGs C9, KRU, etc... They were be being challenged every week so they were forced to improve. Irons sharpens Iron. I mean EG beat C9 and NRG aswell.

But yeh don't get me wrong ur right. Had FNATIC played in AMERICAS or just in a league with harder competition it def wouldve helped them cause other better teams wouldve def exploited them on their mistakes and potentially have beat them more.

posted about a year ago

eh i feel like ur taking credit away from FNATIC, i mean in hindsight LOUD PROB shouldve won icebox but to say railed is crazy, I think ur kinda coping bro. Like FNATIC are a top 3 team in the WORLD rn. My opinion but eh.

posted about a year ago

as a full NRG/ LOUD fan. The skill level in EMEA is prob heavy stacked with after top 4 big drop off in EMEA but saying that FNATIC are mid is crazy asf. They just beat LOUD at lockin and had a flawless run. Like their roster is stacked.,

OBVIOUSLY the competition will be harder in TOKYO for them but they still should be a heavy favorite alongside LOUD to win no?

posted about a year ago

bro im an NRG fan aswell but lets be honest... WHAT STRATS ARE NRG SAVING LMAO?????????? These mfers just played like 3 games back to back to back and even a bo5 and the first 2 were to qualify for Tokyo. Buddy idk what ur smoking but they've used all their strats to qualify for Tokyo lmao.

They literally don't nor had enough time to practice to make new strats because the games have been day after day lmao. They have no strats to save, same as LOUD tbh, even though LOUD only played 1 game they showed some stuff. this will be a BANGER game. Anyone who says NRG is saving strats is just coping because NRG have no new strats to save lmao.

posted about a year ago

wait LMAO, i swear i thought NRG played FRACTURE more than once, thats funny lmao. Yeh i guess too small a sample size cause even though it was a stomp, it was against 100T, Now idk if that was the the good 100T or the 100T that lost to mibr so LMAO who knows.

posted about a year ago

i agree with everything except Split And Fracture, Let me explain. Split last time they played I think NRG kinda threw some rounds and Demon1 went crazy. This guy was just not missing, i'm just remembering all the clutches Demon1 himself had that map and if he didn't i think NRG win.

Fracture idk why u mean EG are clearly better. NRG if i rememebr correctly have only lost Fracture this year to LOUD with multiple overtimes where im pretty sure we agreed as a community NRG should've won that match if it wasn't for that 1v3 they threw on match point. But LOUD win cause LOUD are goats(im an NRG fan but love LOUD aswell). But in this regular season im pretty sure everytime they've played fracture they won.

I think Fracture and Split are 50/50. I don't think any team is favored on those 2.

posted about a year ago

True i mean, i didn't look at the stats until today, Like i could be coping but personally I just don't think EG win that game if Demon1 doesnt go plus 30 basically. Like I'm just remembering that 2v4 EG won and im thinking, if NRG play that scenario 100 times, how many times does Demon1 pull that off? Whatever it's in the past can't do anything about it. Hopefully NRG show tomorrow that whenever they don't lose rounds they should 95% win and fix their ecos they are a TOKYO contender team. I can only pray sadge...

posted about a year ago

I would agree this except for that LEV beat NRG in the early sesaon, now thats cause of keithjoy and NRG just starting. Would you say that this NRG that's been in form would beat LEV convincingly if they rematched right now? I guess that's the big question cause everything on ur list WOULD make sense if LEV hadn't beaten NRG.

posted about a year ago

wait, i wasn't able to watch the beggining of ASCENT, NRG were up 3-0 and lost an eco? than they lost a 5v2? so Basically if they play those rounds over 10 times, NRG should win 8/10? Since it's an eco they should be favored and a 5v2 is well... a 5v2 you should never lose that.

Last question, on ASCENT did it feel like EG clearly was better and out classed NRG or did NRG lose to themselves? a.k.a throw ecos/MUTIPLE 5v4 man up situations?

posted about a year ago

thanks for saying this, ik ur NRG fan but ur text from above really made me think like "damn, NRG are losing this". Hopefully they pop off. Like I think NRG's neutral game is better than C9 but we'll see. I think this will be a good test for C9, if they can take down an NRG that's looking in form, even though I will be so gutted, I would have faith for them in Tokyo. Still hoping NRG's experiences + FNS masterclass can pull them through.

posted about a year ago

why do u think there is no chance? If u want me to be completely honest, I am soooo nervous as NRG FAN, like even rn i promise the match is still in a day and my heart is like racing. Ik NRG has been in these positions before but Idk, i just want them to qualify/win so so bad but Idk i just feel like C9 is going to win. Idk why but i just feel like they. Even though if u look at how both of them performed against EG, u would favor NRG.

NRG made it 3 maps and really competitive all 3 maps except attack on ASCENT, and i think if demon didnt go + FREAKING 29, NRG prob win? And C9 just got dumpstered by them.

I want to believe so Yuuki im begging you, give me a valid argument and convince why I shouldn't worry and why the Optic core will qualify for TOKYO

posted about a year ago

I mean yeh they prob will ban it cause they havent looked good on it, but i dont think thats the reason they banned it against FURIA.

Everyone knows FURIA has been a 2 map team, HAVEN and ASCENT. NRG are always confident on HAVEN so they didn't ban it but that leaves ASCENT which is FURIA's other good map so it makes sense that they banned it since it's one of the only maps FURIA's looked good on. Also the fact that NRG hasn't looked the best on it either.

posted about a year ago

Welp... we were both crushingly wrong LMAO

posted about a year ago

NRG are the team to me that always learn/improve the most from their losses. While Vod-reviewing the loss, it probably showed them alot of holes/easily anti-stratable stuff in their game which means that they can fix and become better. I hope NRG goes to TOKYO but I wouldn't want the NRG that lost to EG to go to TOKYO because that means they have holes in their game.
As everyone says, winning doesn't make you better, losing makes you better(as long as you recognize the mistakes u made, why u made them, and do better)

I would rather much them lose to EG so that they see their mistakes and fix and grow as a team. Because an NRG that lost to that EG, even if they do qualify, i dont think THAT NRG would be good in TOKYO, So as long as NRG go to TOKYO im happy that they lost now so they become better.

So hopefully they learned alot and comeback smashing through the lower bracket!!

posted about a year ago

I agree with the 1st 2 points but im confused, How does NA teams anti-stratting each other make them inconsistent? Like im not mad or criticzing you im just geniunely confused on how anti-strat = inconsistent? Could help a young coping NRG fan out?

posted about a year ago

nah u dont even understand how this is true, apparently in an interview or something, I think it was ethan(could be wrong) or someone on eg had said that they had 2 FUCKING WEEKS worth of prep against NRG bro. Like as an NRG fan im just so like WTF. Like i just want C9 to beat EG and hopefully NRG beat FURIA(no way FURIA beating LOUD) so that they can play again with less prep.

Like when im telling when I heard that i was full cope mode lmao. Hopefully NRG bounce back but to get back to ur comment lmao C9 ez winning. Potter had like less than a day to anti so.

posted about a year ago

I agree with mostly everything but im not sure about the stats, like I know 100% chronicle is insane but idk that if we were to check his stats, that they would be "top stats" but tbh stats are stats, Chronicle is still a GOD.

But I just dont get agree with u the Victor malds argument because Chronicle malds too. Just because someone malds doesn't mean they have a bad mental/mentality, especially if after that they can bounce back into the game like nothing ever happened. The only times where victor had really malded malded was 2 times i remember specifically, Upper Finals in Iceland where Optic lost 1-2 to LOUD and funny enough again at Lock/IN against LOUD because he had a bad series which wasn't really his fault because he was getting SOO unlucky, getting shot through a smoke almost every other round and didn't have a chance to the play the game. (Funny how only LOUD can make victor/FNS mald mald like that).

But apart from those 2 specific moments, even when Optic/NRG were losing, he still would keep his cool and even if he didn't he wouldn't be malding malding, it would just be a normal reaction from map/series lost.

But ur still right, Chronicle is the best flex in the game but i think is in the top 2-3.

posted about a year ago

to be honest i think NRG have been saving strats but on accident, what i mean by that is, we haven't seen RECENTLY their Fracture, ASCENT and LOTUS just because they have been 2-0ing most of the teams. Those are all maps where it has been at least 2-3 weeks since they have played them and they def have been practicing on them so I think they having strats on them that they didnt necessarily "save" on purpose, it was more like they got Lucky that they didn't have to show them so now teams wont know what they run on those maps.

Also even on Sliggy's stream, it def seemed like on bind NRG were changing their setups/strats to make it harder to prep for them in the future. Even in sliggy said it. Some of their setups kinda looked "troll" (specifically talking about the cove on b site that s0m threw towards spawn that that leaves a gap in that widely used corner). All in all, it just seemed like they were using alot of different setups to make it harder to prep which ones they are going to do.

posted about a year ago

wait someone on this post inform, ive seen 2+ comments alr talking about how EMEA is more aim and how NRG/LOUD have better utility im so confused? I would def say that NAVI/LOUD dont rely on aim and have equal if not better Utility usage than like NRG/LOUD/c9 no? Or maybe they are equal?
What it may be i dont think EMEA relies more on aim at all. Thoughts?

posted about a year ago

I kinda agree with Ascent but not kinda cause they did Lose to C9 on it but yk. C9 are looking like Gods and they had a new comp on that map so NRG couldn't really anti, but yeh their ASCENT in general isn't that great compared to their other maps. But I really disagree with Pearl though, they beat FURIA 13-6 on Pearl, and they beat LOUD 13-9 on pearl while losing BOTH pistols. that's kinda impressive. and Yeh even though i know LOUD was saving strats, what strats can you really do/save on pearl? The map is a go B simulator on attack and retake b simulator on defense 85% of the time. They've been looking kinda dominant on Pearl lately I thought.

posted about a year ago

So everyone has been talking about how LOUD were saving strats against NRG which IS true, anyone who thinks otherwise is just joking. That's obv not the reason LOUD lost though so don't get me wrong there. But I was looking at the last 4 games NRG has played, and the only maps they have played are Haven(2x), Ascent(1x), Bind(2x), Split(1x), Fracture(1x), and Pearl (2x). All of these maps they still look pretty strong on, and we still don't know how their LOTUS looks rn, But I'm thinking that since in the last 2 weeks they haven't played Ascent, Fracture, and Lotus.

Couldn't they be cooking/saving strats on those maps? Not on purpose but just because the map pool in their recent games hasn't gone towards those maps. Because alot of people were saying LOUD were saving strats which they were that game but I feel like NRG has alot of cooked up strats on their other maps that we haven't seen much on. Like if come playoffs, and they play again with LOUD not saving strats, I wouldn't be surprised if NRG wins again just because they have a decent amount of maps where they don't have too much data to study on them and knowing Chet, we know he def has something cooked up. So I wouldn't be surprised if NRG surprises LOUD in playoffs on the maps that we haven't seen them play.

What do yall think? Is this some major cope or?

posted about a year ago

wait i watched the interview, did Chet specifically say he was happy cause they dont have to show anymore strats on bind? I thought he was just happy because he essentially forced them to waste a ban on bind and essentially gave NRG an advantage in the map vetos?

posted about a year ago

where can i find the interview? was it on the VALORANT stream? on reddit or youtube? Where cause i would like to watch it.

posted about a year ago

Yep ur right about that, but that really was not my point. What i mean to say is you could replace the names with player a and player b , and that I think the point would still stand cause I see alot of even vandal players in Americas League just straight up spray and not use their movement to their advantage. also i can remember a handfull of times crashies sprays with the vandal, (rn thinking about that 1v2 clutch against 100T) but also other times aswell, but i do agree that yeh generally crashies doesn't do it with the vandal and that he is a phantom player.

posted about a year ago

I wish this was true my friend.. i really do as a big NRG fan, but that aside.

I think NRG if we're talking strictly strats are the top 2 if not 1 right next to LOUD, they don't have INSANE firepower but they are decent, If ardiis can get up to form and victor and crashies aswell they will be really good cause S0m has been killing aswell as Victor but we just don't know if they will stay this consistent. The one thing I wish NRG could do is that since obv they scrim everyday to improve strats and teamplay/coordination/fundamentals. I feel like they could practice getting their individual/mechanical skill up aswell. If we are talking about raw aim, I don't think any of their players have just horrible "Raw" aim but i think it's their movement combined with their aim, Let me explain.

In alot of gun fights I see FNS and crashies usually just crouch spray immediately which ISN'T A BAD THING. but whenever i watch really skilled indidivual players like Less or dgzin for example, they don't spray as much. they usually burst and then strafe to the side and burst again and do that a whole alot. Aiming in VALORANT isn't hard i dont think, I think u just have to combine that with good movement. Insta crouch spraying most of the time means you are committing to the fight so imagine for example, Crashies as soon as he says Less for example insta crouches and sprays but Less takes a burst then strafes and does it again. He will prob get that kill on Crashies because crashies was crouched and he was moving causing Crashies to be inaccurate. And I see this alot with crashies FNS and sometimes vic but not as much. Their "raw" aim isn't actually bad, I just think it's the movement and crouching alot but that's just my opinion LOL i could just be sounding dumb asf rn.

All in all just think that, if NRG we're to improve their firepower like actually focus on it just a bit, they would be insane cause their strats + FNS midrouding is alr insane, I think thats the only thing they are lacking

posted about a year ago

wait when was this? I want to hear this interview, where can i find it?

posted about a year ago

100% agree but just to drift a bit.. Bro, why doesn't NRG literally just take some time to improve their, like if we were rating teams just off of playing together/strats/anti-strats. NRG is would be top 2 if not 1 but it feels like the only thing that ever goes "wrong" for them is their mechanics. Not that they are bad just that everyone else in the league is just so indidvually skilled so even if they do have an insane strat someone can just out-aim them and it all goes to waste.

It feels like when i watch NRG, they always get out-aimed in crucial but never do they out-aim their when they really need to on an eco. Obviously aim is not the end all be all obv, but I feel like they have everything else going well for then, so why not just then put a little time for the individual weaker players to improve their aim to get upto par with everyone else in the league. Just like how they scrim and improve strats and teamwork, i feel like they can improve their aim aswell? I honest to GOD think thats the only that's really "holding" them back to hit their peek. As soon as they do that they are good because their teamwork and strats are alr S+tier I feel like.

Big NRG Fan here btw.

posted about a year ago

wait why do you think this LOUD is worse than old LOUD?

posted about a year ago

idk, it seems like the more stakes their are to the match, the better NRG get. What i mean by like they just fix up the tiny mistakes in their game because they want to achieve that "perfect" fundamental gameplay. Obv not saying that they arent trying to do that rn but it just seems like in the more pressure/the more they know they HAVE to win to go to tokyo to example, the more their gameplay looks polished.

posted about a year ago

who would've thought that replacing 2 players from a team would make the team as a whole lose chemistry as if the people on the team before hadn't played for more than a year together? but yeh it's not like chemistry takes time to build especially with new players on the team but what do i know

posted about a year ago

context/ link to find this at? seems like some spicy stuff is brewing

posted about a year ago
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