Three most cracked duelists in their respective regions. GC champs gonna be insaneeeeeeeeee
Flor clears
bstrdd clears
i really dont want mary to turn out like yay because she was crutching the chamber to a reasonable amount aswell...
shes still the goat tho
Shes looking amazing on raze right now so i def think that she will do just fine
Yeah i just tuned in and she almost got an ace. She just the goat fr, cant wait to see her on LAN again
Flor clears she is insane
Mary is the youngest person to ever win an international event
the comparison isnt valid
Wdym. They’re all insane duelists in their respective regions
Flor violates and it isn't close
mary clears
Mary better awper bstrdd better entry and rifler
florescent is a beast and i love to watch her play but she has yet to be tested on international stage. it's easier to shine and farm stats on regional tournaments
BASTARDINHA clears everyone. Liquid 3-0 G2 on GC Champions finals, bstrdd +35.
Bstrdd got demoralized by flowerful