Stax and Tuyz on Harbor

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I think Tuyz’ Harbor on Pearl and Stax’s Harbor on Icebox were the two first effective Harbors ive seen in pro play (see: Dicey vs G2)

When everyone was first talking about Harbor on Pearl, it was with B-Site plants in mind. What I didnt realize—until Tuyz’s gameplay—is that Harbor is super duper effective on A as well. The slow wall clears out site nicely and the way his viper-style wall bends is perfect to block all the CT entrances.

And stax today…what else needs to be said? The way he used the armored smoke tech on 10-1 (2v4 site hold) was so awesome.

Go Harbor!

Edit: (Also Harbor’s ult on Icebox B seems really good)


its always like this, people think an agent is shit until it gets used effectively in pro play

same thing happened with optic and neon


I watch s0m's streams regularly. Initially when harbor came out, he was the most excited along with nAts. nAts talks about some harbor tech saying he can be buffed and other theory crafting, but s0m goes completely silent whenever harbor is brought up. especially after their roster got built. He says harbor in pro-play is very underrated and you will see him meta on a few maps. He never played harbor recently and 100T bang also denies playing it in most cases. So, I knew something was up but didnt believe it until LOUD games and today with stax.

love_trial [#2]

its always like this, people think an agent is shit until it gets used effectively in pro play

same thing happened with optic and neon

Haha it def can be that way! I dont want to cast aspersions, but I do recall TenZ saying that Chamber wouldnt be a Jett replacement 🤣😂.

You really never know! I’d argue that Riot has done a pretty good job of making most of their agents, one, be effective in some capacity and, two, have depth and nuance. I think some agents just take a longer time for the pro scene to understand and adopt.

I remember when Steel was just about the only dude in NA playing Kay-O. Then, after a while, everyone considered Kay-O to be a “busted” agent.

crashhacker1 [#3]

I watch s0m's streams regularly. Initially when harbor came out, he was the most excited along with nAts. nAts talks about some harbor tech saying he can be buffed and other theory crafting, but s0m goes completely silent whenever harbor is brought up. especially after their roster got built. He says harbor in pro-play is very underrated and you will see him meta on a few maps. He never played harbor recently and 100T bang also denies playing it in most cases. So, I knew something was up but didnt believe it until LOUD games and today with stax.

trust in nAts


Harbor force pick in icebox
reinheart OW meta


I’ve seen a couple good ones already, Harbor has some really good maps

crashhacker1 [#3]

I watch s0m's streams regularly. Initially when harbor came out, he was the most excited along with nAts. nAts talks about some harbor tech saying he can be buffed and other theory crafting, but s0m goes completely silent whenever harbor is brought up. especially after their roster got built. He says harbor in pro-play is very underrated and you will see him meta on a few maps. He never played harbor recently and 100T bang also denies playing it in most cases. So, I knew something was up but didnt believe it until LOUD games and today with stax.

(i actually think asuna will be the one playing harbor for 100t if it comes out 👀)

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