It feels like every time a Korean org has a good team name they rebrand/get bought out by an org that has an objectively worse name and then they change their name to the worse name and it feels bad man. Vision strikers was a genuinely a sick name, but now they’re DRX, which is not bad, just not as good. Damwon is now D-Plus??? Huh???? And spear gaming is now which is arguably one of the biggest downgrades namewise ever. Obviously these are good teams it’s just what is happening with these team names???
Meanwhile in nearby Japan absolute jupiter rebranding to zeta division was the single most insane glow up of all time, you can even spam their logo in twitch chat without an emote (‘//,) which is a marketing masterclass. Detonation gaming white is an awesome name too, we need more of these kinds of names. Even if they’re a little edgy, they fit this game so well and give it so much more personality, and I miss some of the old names in Korea :(
Thank you for reading this thread that is too long have a good rest of your day/night/dawn/twilight