Evil Geniuses Evil Geniuses North America Rank #17 Derrek Derrek Ha NaturE Nicholas Garrison supamen Phat Le icy Jacob Lange yay Jaccob Whiteaker have brought on ex- sqn 2.0 sqn 2.0 Inactive Demon1 Max Mazanov zero cap Phil Pham tie Tai Diep lazylion Nathan Hoang star Max "Demon1" Mazanov, confirming the earlier report by BLIX.GG.

Evil Geniuses
A Genius in the night, a demon on the site. 😈 Welcome @Demon1___ to #VCTAmericas.

Demon1 started his professional career in early 2022. He played for several tier-two teams that primarily competed in Knights weekly tournaments; however, he was most well-known for his time on SQN 2.0. The roster played in a medley of Knights tournaments, with a top-eight finish in the Knights Monthly Gauntlet: November. Demon1 has been raising eyebrows while playing in these tournaments, primarily for his incredible KDA and statistics, where in the recent Knights Freezeout tournament dropped a rating of 1.40, a KD of 1.53, and 0.95 KPR.

After a top-eight finish in the North American Last Chance Qualifier, Evil Geniuses were accepted in the Americas partnership league. As such, the organization stated their intent to build a 10-man roster, beginning by re-signing their old core of Kelden "Boostio" Pupello, Corbin "C0M" Lee, Jeffrey "Reformed" Lu, Vincent "Apoth" Le, and Alexander "jawgemo" Mor. EG also added former NRG Esports NRG Esports North America Rank #3 FiNESSE Pujan Mehta s0m Sam Oh brawk Brock Somerhalder mada Adam Pampuch Ethan Ethan Arnold and XSET XSET Inactive members Ethan "Ethan" Arnold and Brendan "BcJ" Jensen, respectively.

Evil Geniuses are set to play in the LOCK//IN tournament, with their first match against EMEA partnership squad Team Heretics Team Heretics Europe Rank #1 MiniBoo Dominykas Lukaševičius Wo0t Mert Alkan RieNs Enes Ecirli benjyfishy Benjamin David Fish Boo Ričardas Lukaševičius .

With two more yet to sign, Evil Geniuses Evil Geniuses North America Rank #17 Derrek Derrek Ha NaturE Nicholas Garrison supamen Phat Le icy Jacob Lange yay Jaccob Whiteaker are currently: