Why so much better than western teams ?? I thought EU superior in shooter ?
ry666 [#4]there's still people playing pubg?
Most popular br in asia , fortnite dont exist here , apex so much smaller
Nah, Asia has always been insane in PUBG, take aside the best teams from each region, Chinese teams destroy any other team. Koreas fall from grace has been remarkable, and Japan has improved but isn’t quite at the level of EU and NA. Vietnam are also rising quickly
Edit: Some of you lot slandering PUBG and other games but have a lot to say when CS players do it to Val, mocking games bc you dont like it is crazy
Okayyyyyy [#10]Nah, Asia has always been insane in PUBG, take aside the best teams from each region, Chinese teams destroy any other team. Koreas fall from grace has been remarkable, and Japan has improved but isn’t quite at the level of EU and NA. Vietnam are also rising quickly
Edit: Some of you lot slandering PUBG and other games but have a lot to say when CS players do it to Val, mocking games bc you dont like it is crazy
Yeah, but shooting mechanics so similar to csgo, which game west much better at
valulrantefanboy [#12]Yeah, but shooting mechanics so similar to csgo, which game west much better at
Perhaps at its core there’s some similarities but the guns, movements and fighting is unique. Also Asia usually invests heavily into gaming and training facilities for games orgs invest in, so they produce talent at a higher rate than the west
valulrantefanboy [#9]Most popular br in asia , fortnite dont exist here , apex so much smaller
man forgot about free fire
valulrantefanboy [#6]Dead in west maybe ?? Cause pubg hella popular in asia
Yeah, nobody does here, or at least I don't know anyone. But I mean battle royals are a completely different things who know, assuming west has to be better is not fair
benthy_sear [#2]no one fucking plays pubg
no one fucking plays pubg
no one fucking plays pubg csgo
euros always western centric and thinks the world revolves around them
Flyjin [#23]no one fucking plays pubg
no one fucking plays
pubgcsgoeuros always western centric and thinks the world revolves around them
tbh more people do play csgo than pubg
can say that about almost any game popular game in china tho
valulrantefanboy [#6]Dead in west maybe ?? Cause pubg hella popular in asia
Depends on your definition of West but yeah. The only BR game that functions as a comp title in the west rn is Apex.
Ishuda_gg [#16]Cause Asians are not good at 1v1 , they good at 3rd party, in real life also
LoL pretty good answer sir.
Flyjin [#23]no one fucking plays pubg
no one fucking plays
pubgcsgoeuros always western centric and thinks the world revolves around them
That is literally what murricans think lmao. Y'all play egghandball and think the whole world revolves around the surperbowl ads.
valulrantefanboy [#9]Most popular br in asia , fortnite dont exist here , apex so much smaller
Fortnite was destroyed when they removed the sea servers, pretty sure the singaporean servers.