Riot released this statement in regards to the allegations made against a Gamechangers player cwaudia a couple weeks (months?) ago by another player or figure in the scene saying that cwaudia and her bf assaulted her when she was very drunk, this is the original allegation. cwaudia made a response but i cant find it. both sides seemed pretty messy when it came back, and there was absolutely foul play involved some side. but not time has passed and riot has found no new information which is embarrassing because there was so much to investigate off of. This is also similar to sinatraas case where they made no headway but then Cleoh came out and said she wasnt asked for the video by riot nor questioned at all by them. So they fumble that investigation and now this one, and i gotta ask are they even trying at all?? now we have to potential assaulters in the scene, or two players whos rep have been tarnished because riot cant find literally anything, cant confirm one detail even. these are serious allegations on both side and riot just doesnt care which is honestly awful
edit: if u have cwaudias response pls link