Who will sign OnSla2ers? Gen G maybe? How will T1 end their roster? Is K1ng a good option now that Norheption didn't make it? I hope they don't start "stealing" DRX players
Sprouts [#2]-ONS are going to fall apart, some players might get signed as individuals
-k1ng is def going to make it on a franchised team
-JoXJo, Meteor, and Bail will all get bought by Gen.G most likely
-T1 and Gen.G are wealthy but they won’t be able to touch DRX players
jojo looks pretty mid or is he IGL
Sprouts [#2]-ONS are going to fall apart, some players might get signed as individuals
-k1ng is def going to make it on a franchised team
-JoXJo, Meteor, and Bail will all get bought by Gen.G most likely
-T1 and Gen.G are wealthy but they won’t be able to touch DRX players
Do you think any non-korean but korean speaking players will be picked up? like wippie for example or chet(coach would probably have other offers).
or probably just full kr teams?
basically only drx will remain as the relatively unchanged team, gen.g has some Korean players already and will be ready to pounce on some of the top korean player like meteor, texture, sayaplayer, etc. t1 will basically rebuild from scratch and possibly keep xeta, the rest of the Korean teams will just d i s s a p e a r...
capital_d_colon [#5]Do you think any non-korean but korean speaking players will be picked up? like wippie for example or chet(coach would probably have other offers).
or probably just full kr teams?
I would guess just full Korean teams. BoDork leaked that Gen.G were split between a full KR roster or a mixed KR+APAC roster, but I think they’ll end up going with the former. I doubt players who aren’t Korean but can speak Korean would choose to move to Seoul, so I’d eliminate that as an option as well.