Build a super-team from scrap also get a new coaching staff looks like BBL are acquiring Brave right now so this is a step in the right direction
nutab1e [#3]I haven't watched futbolist but do you think it's worth picking up some of their players? This qw1 guy looks pretty insane
Futbolist is still in the run for the last spot for franchising if G2 make Na I think they might be in but if not %100 get MrFalin
nutab1e [#3]I haven't watched futbolist but do you think it's worth picking up some of their players? This qw1 guy looks pretty insane
just MrFalin imo
nutab1e [#3]I haven't watched futbolist but do you think it's worth picking up some of their players? This qw1 guy looks pretty insane
Quitoner is better than qw1
trola [#12]is there a possiblity for cNed to go back here
I guess depends on how good is the project they make around him is
benmaimoon [#20]why the facts made you laugh
tbf I haven't watched qw1 I didn't know he was the worst jett in emea
toofan1 [#24]Wt about riens?
if i could build a turkish superteam i wouldnt pick riens first but he is good tho