Sen should drop zombs the dude is always bottom fragging and going negative. Hes also rly toxic
Average??? Dapr top fragged in the finals. Shaz carried when he played Jett. Zombs is a support player, a team player, its not his job to top frag. It's not all about the scoreboard. Honestly, we should just make a football team with all quarterbacks. Who needs a goalie in Soccer am I right? just have a bunch of messi's and Ronaldo's. Ez wins bro
Let me list, just a few, Omen players that do that job and also can frag, just to prove a point.
Ethan, nitr0, s0m, Subroza, jcStani, mummAy, Marved, Leaf, YaBoiDre. gMd. Even kaboose, stellar, and WeDid could probably out-do him. Those are JUST NA. And I probably forgot some too.'
Edit: I'm by no means saying zombs needs to be replaced, I'm sure they function better as a team with him than they would with any of these other players. But if someone else had been there from the start to form the bonds they have now, they could be even better.
The thing is that none of the players you named, except maybe nitr0 and gMd, are as good of a site anchor as zombs. Maybe I'm thinking way too highly of zombs but he is one of the best site anchors in the game and one of the best support players in the game. Hell he might even be the best supportive omen in NA. None of those players would better than Zombs in his role, other than maybe nitr0. So even though they do a better job at fragging, they wouldn't do a better job at playing his role within this team.
Also, do you think all the players I mentioned would be good if they couldn’t use Omen abilities as a support? All you have to do is follow what you IGL says, like when to blind and where to smoke. Hell, I could use Omens abilities perfectly because they’re not that complicated and don’t have a high skill ceiling.
u are the most stupidly retarded person ever ur opinion has no basis r u so stupid that u think out fragging TenZ(best player NA), Dapr (Best sentinal NA), SicK(Best Flex player and cracked pheonix), ShahZaM(Best igl with cracked aim), and sinatraa(top 5 NA) is easy buddy u prolly an iron 1 hardstuck who just looks at the scoreboard and does not even watch the games
Ok I think the idea of replacing zombs is stupid but this isn't a case of a player "who underperforms in a few games" he has consistently bottom fragged for Sen since release. However his value is as a site anchor and a support player, not as a fragger but don't say his "underperformance" has only been for a few games because it hasn't.
Before hating this thread poster, if you sort all Omens in NA by every single stat, zombs is always the last or the one among the last of all NA Omens who are playing in tournaments. So yeah replacement would be good for the team probably for someone like POISED / Subroza / s0m / jcStani? Potentionally? after contracts are over or so? But yeah as far as they win, there is no reason to do such changes,