How long till Riot bans?
It's crazy yeah? You had pixelbots on day 1 of private beta, then they somehow managed to get it sort of under control. Nowadays every game has at least half of it "closet cheating" (they are so bad they don't even realize how obvious they cheat). Then you check the pro-scene and lots of players are known cheaters / matchfixers... then you watch the games and you realize it's HvH almost every game.
The fact that people deny it really shows how dead the FPS genra is.
Riot has a crazy ban wave at the end of each act where they kinda ban every account associated with the hacker's PC even if the hacker did not log in to he's main when he is hacking.. So most hackers only last an act. This is coming from a friend of mine who use to cheat and got every account banned and lost about $400 in skins