RIP the Queen she was a real one. a top g even.
sadge downvoted for telling the truth
shes literally an NPC, just like the queens of the 10 generations before her
you are downvoted because the royal family represents colonialism for a lot of countries.
This ^ (slightly political but I agree)
based canadian
Is this why you hate Europe under every post? Colonialism???
RIP Lizzy
the royal family is very interesting to the say the least
liz was the only good one
i mean out of the current royal family. diana was a G frfr
some of the younger ones were okay, like harry.
lowkey she just became a puppet. she couldnt really do shit or make any statements
yeah but mf old as fuck bruh, even just a year or so ago she was still hella based
I hope youre joking
Tf does this have so many downvotes for😭
hope she enjoys hell
may she not find peace on death, old lizard
British are pirates
lmfao and u really thought u were the majority of brits who actually care
I live in a former brit colony, I think I know if people cared about the queen
lil bro mad english conquered them
conquered? u dumb fk u ever heard of independence day?
exactly u dumbfk u get independence after getting dominated from another
go back to school moment
american education smh
real one? She used tax payers money to pay her pedo son out of getting prosecuted lmao
no mo fish and chips fo queen bee :((((