e1s [#31]
I get that but he doesn't have to be dominate in this team, because they don't depend on that one player having a dominate game, don't get me wrong all of those players are good but if chamber gets nerfed again, a lot of players won't seem as dominate as people think they are. They might replace him, they might not but the guy is on the team rn and everyday its a new thread of replacing the guy for something that 100T isn't even confirmed to be in yet, highly likely they will but just let the guy have fun and play.
yeah I fully support will, hope 100T can pull of big games in champs, will is capable of playing very well and they DO NOT have to have him dominating, the team wasnt built around a superstar chamber/jett player but it could definetly be the last thing left to make them a superteam, I mean bang, asuna and derrek are clearly superteam material, stellar and will are very good aswell but "only" decent, they do their job but they arent on top of their role