Why so many 100T haters? I don't keep up with Valorant, but do people realize nitro and hiko have accomplished more than the rest of the NA pros in Valorant scene?
I don't understand why and how they hate players like them. I understand hating some specific players due to their personality or mistakes but 100T is far from that. If you bring up Steel and the iBP thing, steel has done more community work than any other iBP members but still didn't get unbanned, yes he was toxic but he has grown out of it. All these players are amazing, its not like you are not allowed to dislike a team or org but don't hate them blindly. I don't like TSM for example but I respect them as they are great players, if they were not, they wouldn't probably make it to this far. Remember what Virtus Pro taught us from CS, always respect others.
Only reason I could see is Hiko saying the the n-word on stream and then deleting everyclip of it and banning people in his chat who mentioned it. Don't know how he got away with it honeslty but thats the only reason I dislike Hiko, absolutely no reason to hate the whole team however. I think everyone else on the team is admirable