Way better than Genshin Midpact, already have 2 ultra rare weapons without spending a dime. Also you can customize titties
Nah, its very welcome
Even if its similar, its an MMO and has more content than GI
So you can actually play with your friends and shit
Genshin co op is useless. ToF co op is fun and required sometimes
Plus, the gacha rates are actually very very nice to F2P players
I earned 80 pulls in my first day of grinding and i got 2 SSR before i hit my pity and got a 3rd
W take . Legit Genshin is boring because its not an mmo. End game is really nonexistent when you can't have content with other players. Its gacha system is much less confusing as genshin in that u roll for the weapon and characters is a bonus. You also get to create your own character. And lastly it is made by a chinese company which makes W games nowadays. China NUMBA 1.