Chamber is over-rated and doesn't need a nerf

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Let me explain

The thing with chamber imo , is that he looks op cause when a chamber pops , he seems op due to the emphasis chamber puts on gunplay, but it is exactly that emphasis that makes him overrated imo , cause u loose so much if u pick chamber compared to other sentinels , stuff like better flank watching and info gathering , more team wide and team helpful utility, and less aim intensive mechanics. The stats also show that , I Can't remember how many times I have ruined entire teams by having a chamber trap blocked off and getting a insane backstab(this is a lot harder with KJ and cypher)

While ppl see chambers win games with pop of rounds ( I will admit tho chamber gives more opportunities for pop offs with his tp and guns), ppl don't see when chamber looses a round , whiffed shot are a lot more punishing on chamber cause that's ur job and when ur job is based on inconsistent human mechanical skill(yes even for pros like yay, ardiss and derke)u lose the most important perk of the sentinel class , a high impact floor. u can provide impact as kj with a turret watching flank , a cypher getting info from an aggressive cam ,a sage using utility to slow a push and correct mistakes with rez and heal . chamber on the other hand is the embodiment of high risk high (but inconsistent) reward , this is why a lot of ppl consider him a duelist in all but name , but he can't be a proper duelist, he needs set up, he's a lot less effective on attack and his trips are the easiest to dodge.


Chamber is overrated cause when u see a chamber pop of , u don't see all the other times he wiffed, the trip got smoked , or when he just doesn't help the team much on attack, yes the TP is a little busted with the cooldown but beyond that (other couple of ult and slow changes ) chamber does not need a nerf

Pls don't lynch me


"Looks op" maybe bc he is op ^_^


"Looks op" maybe bc he is op ^_^

There's a difference between op and looking op

Case and point all my brz to silver chamber main friends who refuse to use headhunter cause "its to inefficient "


"Looks op" maybe bc he is op ^_^

Also I'm sorry abt EG getting knocked out (RIP potter goat)


TLDR ; i cannot aim so i am not a good chamber thats why i think chamber is not busted🙂

anay099 [#5]

TLDR ; i cannot aim so i am not a good chamber thats why i think chamber is not busted🙂


I play chamber well enough brother


Let me explain

The thing with chamber imo , is that he looks op cause when a chamber pops , he seems op due to the emphasis chamber puts on gunplay, but it is exactly that emphasis that makes him overrated imo , cause u loose so much if u pick chamber compared to other sentinels , stuff like better flank watching and info gathering , more team wide and team helpful utility, and less aim intensive mechanics. The stats also show that , I Can't remember how many times I have ruined entire teams by having a chamber trap blocked off and getting a insane backstab(this is a lot harder with KJ and cypher)

While ppl see chambers win games with pop of rounds ( I will admit tho chamber gives more opportunities for pop offs with his tp and guns), ppl don't see when chamber looses a round , whiffed shot are a lot more punishing on chamber cause that's ur job and when ur job is based on inconsistent human mechanical skill(yes even for pros like yay, ardiss and derke)u lose the most important perk of the sentinel class , a high impact floor. u can provide impact as kj with a turret watching flank , a cypher getting info from an aggressive cam ,a sage using utility to slow a push and correct mistakes with rez and heal . chamber on the other hand is the embodiment of high risk high (but inconsistent) reward , this is why a lot of ppl consider him a duelist in all but name , but he can't be a proper duelist, he needs set up, he's a lot less effective on attack and his trips are the easiest to dodge.


Chamber is overrated cause when u see a chamber pop of , u don't see all the other times he wiffed, the trip got smoked , or when he just doesn't help the team much on attack, yes the TP is a little busted with the cooldown but beyond that (other couple of ult and slow changes ) chamber does not need a nerf

Pls don't lynch me

anay099 [#5]

TLDR ; i cannot aim so i am not a good chamber thats why i think chamber is not busted🙂

Also how many ppl below plat do u think can play well enough to consistently get value with chamber

Not many (not even me)

Aartanis [#7]

Let me explain

The thing with chamber imo , is that he looks op cause when a chamber pops , he seems op due to the emphasis chamber puts on gunplay, but it is exactly that emphasis that makes him overrated imo , cause u loose so much if u pick chamber compared to other sentinels , stuff like better flank watching and info gathering , more team wide and team helpful utility, and less aim intensive mechanics. The stats also show that , I Can't remember how many times I have ruined entire teams by having a chamber trap blocked off and getting a insane backstab(this is a lot harder with KJ and cypher)

While ppl see chambers win games with pop of rounds ( I will admit tho chamber gives more opportunities for pop offs with his tp and guns), ppl don't see when chamber looses a round , whiffed shot are a lot more punishing on chamber cause that's ur job and when ur job is based on inconsistent human mechanical skill(yes even for pros like yay, ardiss and derke)u lose the most important perk of the sentinel class , a high impact floor. u can provide impact as kj with a turret watching flank , a cypher getting info from an aggressive cam ,a sage using utility to slow a push and correct mistakes with rez and heal . chamber on the other hand is the embodiment of high risk high (but inconsistent) reward , this is why a lot of ppl consider him a duelist in all but name , but he can't be a proper duelist, he needs set up, he's a lot less effective on attack and his trips are the easiest to dodge.


Chamber is overrated cause when u see a chamber pop of , u don't see all the other times he wiffed, the trip got smoked , or when he just doesn't help the team much on attack, yes the TP is a little busted with the cooldown but beyond that (other couple of ult and slow changes ) chamber does not need a nerf

Pls don't lynch me

Ok , shorten that u got a copypasta for chamber cope


yeah free get out jail card every 20 seconds balanced


TLDR but i agree chamber is not that op. the reason chamber looks op because most of chamber player are star player which makes them top fragging agent in almost every series. if chamber used by the bot fragger like FNS or boaster, no one would say chamber is op.

Metal [#10]

yeah free get out jail card every 20 seconds balanced

Read the fking post , I said the cooldown was busted

Kk0bra [#8]

Also how many ppl below plat do u think can play well enough to consistently get value with chamber

Not many (not even me)

Everyguy that can aim at head level and can hit 50% of operator and is not brainded can use chamber ez pz

Kk0bra [#8]

Also how many ppl below plat do u think can play well enough to consistently get value with chamber

Not many (not even me)

who cares about below plat, agents are balanced for the pros not ranked




I will have to disagree slightly but either way, gonna respect the take.

chamber on the other hand is the embodiment of high risk high (but inconsistent) reward>

What you have mentioned is an intentional design of the agent. Chamber should put himself in those risky positions, trying to be good for one and disappear. And that is fine if he wasn't able to do this again after 20sec. It gives Chamber the ability to get out of the heated situation unpunished multiple times in a round. Free ability btw.

Headhunter... Buying a bullet of Guardian for 100 is just ridiculous. Price change, all be it small, was more than necessary to balance out the eco rounds and pistol rounds. Pullout speed is also slightly overpowered as it gives him another tool to cover up the sloppiness of player who's being caught out in a bad position.

His trap is fine honestly, given his design. The point of sentinels is to be able to hold/delay multiple chokepoints and Chamber's trap is holding one, while he is needed to put his body on the line to defend another chokepoint with his increased gunplay potential.

But also, Chamber is overrated to a certain extent in pro play. Many teams opted out to play him over other sentinel agents and they are getting punished by non-mirror comps on some maps and it's like no one is paying attention to it lol.

His ult... Free buffed Operator? That slows everyone down in a radius? One of these things should be nerfed to ground tbh.


Let me explain

The thing with chamber imo , is that he looks op cause when a chamber pops , he seems op due to the emphasis chamber puts on gunplay, but it is exactly that emphasis that makes him overrated imo , cause u loose so much if u pick chamber compared to other sentinels , stuff like better flank watching and info gathering , more team wide and team helpful utility, and less aim intensive mechanics. The stats also show that , I Can't remember how many times I have ruined entire teams by having a chamber trap blocked off and getting a insane backstab(this is a lot harder with KJ and cypher)

While ppl see chambers win games with pop of rounds ( I will admit tho chamber gives more opportunities for pop offs with his tp and guns), ppl don't see when chamber looses a round , whiffed shot are a lot more punishing on chamber cause that's ur job and when ur job is based on inconsistent human mechanical skill(yes even for pros like yay, ardiss and derke)u lose the most important perk of the sentinel class , a high impact floor. u can provide impact as kj with a turret watching flank , a cypher getting info from an aggressive cam ,a sage using utility to slow a push and correct mistakes with rez and heal . chamber on the other hand is the embodiment of high risk high (but inconsistent) reward , this is why a lot of ppl consider him a duelist in all but name , but he can't be a proper duelist, he needs set up, he's a lot less effective on attack and his trips are the easiest to dodge.


Chamber is overrated cause when u see a chamber pop of , u don't see all the other times he wiffed, the trip got smoked , or when he just doesn't help the team much on attack, yes the TP is a little busted with the cooldown but beyond that (other couple of ult and slow changes ) chamber does not need a nerf

Pls don't lynch me

Kk0bra [#6]


I play chamber well enough brother

You are literally hard stuck silver though. Get to immortal and you will want to kys every time you get one banged by a fucking chamber on an anti-eco.


delete this ^-^


u are so fucking dumb

Kk0bra [#6]


I play chamber well enough brother

283 hours and still silver 🙄


Nah hes just busted. Teleport every 20 seconds with a free guardian every round. 50% of anti eco rounds begin with the enemy chamber getting first blood with headhunter.


Cool story…

Yeah, nerf his busted ass.


Imagine thinking that Cypher and Killjoy are good in a Breach and Kay/0 meta. Chamber is more busted than Jett was before the nerfs.


tldr: i heckin love abusing chamber meta


I also think astra was not broken, because you have to go into astral form so they might kill you when you do it! even though she can suck the whole map! her and viper post plant meta was very balanced because you can just push site fast!

Kk0bra [#6]


I play chamber well enough brother

Silver 2 why are you talking




Just kidding, I did read but he's, in fact, OP


Smartest vlr.gg user

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