optic against loud in grand final (analysis)

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Who am I?
I am an aspiring valorant coach and this is my first analysis I want you guys to decide about me.

Optic played a mix of passive and aggressive approach with most aggressive being yay victor and marved while fns and crashies were passive most of the round were consist of this mixed style, most of the time optic played like a group of 3 and a combo of 2 players together

Optic played 1-3-1 in this round with yay, victor and marved in the mid fns in A and crashies in B. Loud played in the order of
4-1-0after finding info of mid and A link loud decided to regroup at B. After getting info from crashies that they are pushing B marved smoked B entrance pancada smoked B main and market but Saadhak pushed before the market was smoked on because sacy was scanning market and no one was found. On top of that marved threw a blind and he saadhak was trying to walk away before getting killed, victor pushed the market after marved's blind and as a result saadhak was killed. Loud made a big mistake and pushed the smoke one by one resulting in optic making a flawless round as they(optic) pushed the smoke first and secured an angle.

Round 4
Optic left the mid open but putted alrambot for the info and were placed like 2-0-3 . loud threw kay/o's knife and sova's recon to get the info and a blind to stop early push and gain control. Fns and crashies went backsite as they were expecting a rush. Pancada smoked B main and market,less threw a sworm grenade in market's smoke so that no one will push while they rush, sacy droned and aspas was behind it, marved smoked one way on the left side so that it will be easy for fns and crashies also victor thre grenade, but loud didnt pushed the left side and all went on the right. Aspas threw smoke for backsite and and dashed. Crashies droned and here is the best part, victor threw as spectaculor flash (there is another flash victor threw in round 7) from far way loud didnt expected this you can see saadhak being flashed when fns killed him. With the aim duels being taken only yay, marved and less were remained loud did a mistake again and used less's ultimate at this point it was clear that optic will push because less was low and the lockdown was on yay pushed and killed less before the lockdown could complete and optic won round

Optic opted for passive-agressive style in attack too, again most of their plays were a group of 3 and 4 while yay and marved being lurkers in some rounds They tried clearing every angle before pushing site in most of the rounds.

Optic players were placed in a 3-1-1 order, they gain info of A early push and mid and victor hold his place expecting someone to push. Crashies droned and gathered info while marved smoked mid and hide their. Fns, yay and crashies than retreated victor were killed by pancada when he was slowly move towards the entrance. Marved smoked doors to enter tree than they all started rushing blindly from window this resulted in optic loosing the round

Round 21
Optic players were placed 4-0-1 with victor finding enfo about early A push.aspas tried to do push at B but then backed his steps. Victor rejoined his team yay tried to look for infor but was killed by aspas. Marved pushed mid although he was detected by alarambot still he was able to get a kill on aspas aspas, and then on sacy and less by smoking B main and sneaking through the smoke while victor threw a grenade in the smoke and marved pushed since it was grenaded sacy disnt thought much about someone's pushing although he did spammed some bullets through smoke in hope that he would damage or get a kill on optic players entering site.Less got a kill on Fns and than victor. Than marved reallocated at market and got kill on pancada. Crashies got a kill sadhaak making that round a win. While being low on money optic won this round just beacuse of marved.
So this is just a test although I could analyze every round with every detail and every mistake of both teams but writing it is hard hence I analyzed only 1 round aside from pistol round.


Not trying to bash your hopes but vlr is not the place to post analysis. Even reddit is better since more people are on there

Mooony [#2]

Not trying to bash your hopes but vlr is not the place to post analysis. Even reddit is better since more people are on there

Ah ok I was just testing the format and everthing


Yo is this overall or just one map

Mooony [#2]

Not trying to bash your hopes but vlr is not the place to post analysis. Even reddit is better since more people are on there

Btw could you tell which community is better to post analysis? r/valorant or r/valorantcompetitve

YvngKurry [#4]

Yo is this overall or just one map

Its acutally a test of mine I would start doing proper analysis with all maps from next time

SKara [#5]

Btw could you tell which community is better to post analysis? r/valorant or r/valorantcompetitve

r/valorantcompetitive is delusional, post it here its all good.

SKara [#5]

Btw could you tell which community is better to post analysis? r/valorant or r/valorantcompetitve

r/valorantcompetetive 100%

since_beta [#7]

r/valorantcompetitive is delusional, post it here its all good.

Just classic vlr.gg, because you don't like the other site doesn't mean u have to call them delusional, we aren't much better either

SKara [#6]

Its acutally a test of mine I would start doing proper analysis with all maps from next time

Ah so I’m assuming this is ascent. For future reference I think you should try to include pictures or recreate the play through valoplant to help visualize the play

YvngKurry [#10]

Ah so I’m assuming this is ascent. For future reference I think you should try to include pictures or recreate the play through valoplant to help visualize the play

Ahhh mb sorry for this poor mistake and yes its ascent and yes I would recreate it in valoplant for medium soon

Mooony [#9]

Just classic vlr.gg, because you don't like the other site doesn't mean u have to call them delusional, we aren't much better either

Nah they show they know so much, but in reality, they don't, they know only about mainstream stuff, and act like a "know it all".

since_beta [#12]

Nah they show they know so much, but in reality, they don't, they know only about mainstream stuff, and act like a "know it all".

You have heard of reddit analysts but not vlr analysts, why? Because they grow on reddit. The number of real analysts there that can give feedback etc as compared to this shitshow of a site with people like us

SKara [#11]

Ahhh mb sorry for this poor mistake and yes its ascent and yes I would recreate it in valoplant for medium soon

No worries man. Good luck on your future analysis

SKara [#5]

Btw could you tell which community is better to post analysis? r/valorant or r/valorantcompetitve

Who is disliking these comments and why


it's a good start. Might be better to incorporate screenshots because people may find walls of text scary.


you should make a youtube channel or something

SKara [#5]

Btw could you tell which community is better to post analysis? r/valorant or r/valorantcompetitve

r/valorantcompetitve 100% bro

vlr gg is just a forum full of baiter & delusional fans

Dokka [#15]

Who is disliking these comments and why

dont worry brother i shall give my 1 upvote to all the disliked comments

ItsMeDio [#19]

r/valorantcompetitve 100% bro

vlr gg is just a forum full of baiter & delusional fans

where the lie ?

zzzzzzzzz [#18]

you should make a youtube channel or something

After seeing how long I need to write and still cant cover all the details that made a round a win or a loss, I am really thinking of making vedios, yt channel would be much better than writting analysis

SKara [#23]

After seeing how long I need to write and still cant cover all the details that made a round a win or a loss, I am really thinking of making vedios, yt channel would be much better than writting analysis

good luck

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