me personally am mixed Vietnamese and Japanese
edit:this was supposed to be off topic lul + I’m so glad how diverse VLR is 🥹
yeah i was born in london too and my whole family has british passports but i was straight up accused of being an immigrant because i said something that others disagreed with about the immigration laws in the UK. i couldnt believe it because even if my family did immigrate to the country on asylum, there is no need to bring that up. I never expected to be a target of racism on of all places.
you want me to pull up the census?
the ‘Roma’ group was added under the ‘White’ ethnic group
a write-in response was added for the ‘Black African’ ethnic group
The ethnic groups were:
Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background
Black, Black British, Caribbean or African
Any other Black, Black British, or Caribbean background
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background
English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British - what does that say bitch
I think that's a fair perspective but I'd also like to invite you to consider how "white" the cultures of other regions in the US are. The midwest and New England for example have so few black people (and other races for that matter) especially in rural areas that their culture couldn't be considered anything other than white, whereas the south and its culture have for centuries been defined its diversity for good and for bad. I will say you're right that the southern culture is predominantly white, but so is the US and every major region of it at large. Maybe I'm thinking too hard about this for a comment, but I'll say that I think your perspective is reasonable. I only intend to point out that the south is one of the most diverse regions of the US and has had its culture significantly influenced by black americans and their achievements, the civil war, and slavery.
Crazy fat people are the best country at the Olympics
Ethnicity is the word used to describe the cultural identity of a person. These identities can include language, religion, nationality, ancestry, dress, and customs. The members of a particular ethnicity tend to identify with each other based on these shared cultural traits. This term is considered anthropological in nature because it is based on learned behaviors.
this just proves his point, british is not an ethnicity because of historical reasons and origins of each of the nations that are part of the UK, the UK officially considers itself a country within a country and the cultural/genetic differences are big enough to not be able to consider british as an ethnicity even if they have a common language and shared traits, obviously what we call an ethnicity or not is very arbritrary
Just curious, is caste system still run thick in India?
Because I have a Hindi friend in Bali. By caste he's Brahmin too, and he got a sudra Girlfriend. He don't care about caste but his parents is strongly disagree about their relationship because caste difference. In the end they end up break up because his parents don't give blessing in marriage.
Um no not one asks or cares about anyone's caste now especially not in the urban areas.
Out of all the rural villages - some villages have modern ideas whereas some think that their elders and their caste system should be followed.
So only some people mostly the elders in the house like grandparents and great grandparents enforce their generations to marry their own caste and things like that
Except this small %, the rest is doing good on not judging by caste. Every caste is respected which is a really good thing compared to the past few decades