Flag: Canada
Registered: October 26, 2022
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 6:34 PM
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I heard the devs are in the works making a paid VLR membership. what are your thoughts?

posted 5 months ago

"he tried to stop the plant" he had a higher chance of winning the 5v4 retake with his breach utility as a team then to dry swing through a molly lmfao

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

i dont think so TBH. If this becomes the norm where riot will just reject poorer orgs even if they win ascension it will contribute to killing challengers as less orgs will be interested in picking up teams.

posted 5 months ago

we will see that bum in league play for the last time before he rides the bench for the rest of his career

posted 5 months ago

that fraud is unironically legitimately a bum LMFAO soniqs clears him and hes dogshit platinum 3 player btw.

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Bums didnt believe me. hes the goat.

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

XD This is so funny #Relatable #lol #Sentinels #Tenz

posted 6 months ago

Is this sentinels gameplan? Spam through smokes and walls? What are those kills and dinks? Dude shoot 2 bullets through viper wall and raze got 149 dmg Lmfao feelsbadman for kc

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Old ass man go to the retirement home

posted 6 months ago

pack it up he is the greatest.

posted 6 months ago

jajajajajaja we see 0 kills ever. bring back zombs as a player and a producer thank you.

posted 6 months ago

they should sign Zombs

posted 6 months ago

n4rrate americas
KC emea
Autumn pacific
FPX china

posted 6 months ago

this guy is just a chinese ange1

posted 6 months ago

I heard LOUD has 23-1'd fnatic in scrims

posted 6 months ago

original photo was cold as fuck

posted 6 months ago

Internet explorer

posted 6 months ago

i wonder which player on sentinels would cause this...

posted 6 months ago

if zombs hadn't retired he would be #1 on that list

posted 6 months ago

need more GC internationals to fix this. 1 per year getting stale, especially with just 8 teams

posted 6 months ago

org tells player they will renew contract

article comes out saying his contract will not be renewed

he finds out from article

what do you not understnad

posted 6 months ago

pancada said he has been having some health issues bro calm down. he definitely is not focused on money right now

posted 6 months ago

why do you post like donald trump on twitter lmao

posted 6 months ago

for 2023:

  • Demon1
  • CGRS
  • Potter
  • c0m
posted 6 months ago

bro dreamt up the script for vct 2025

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Loud wins 2-1. Free money. Bet on them right now. Loud threw this first map so my live odds could be better. Trust me.

posted 6 months ago

PRX did this with mindfreak and d4v41 omen/viper. just for preference most likely

posted 6 months ago

happy birthday

posted 6 months ago

My king saadhak is not like these other frauds

posted 6 months ago

did these goated teams from last season not even do anything during the off season? I mean you'd expect since most made minimal roster changes it would be easy to grind out strats and innovate compared to the teams that had to build from scratch, but I guess not. Did they get lazy or is the game just super competitive now?

posted 6 months ago

FNAF movie

posted 6 months ago

sleeping on Jared Gitlin

posted 6 months ago

I might have to get involved if this isn't fixed.

posted 6 months ago

dont disrespect the goat he owns you and your entire bloodline + he is richer than you will ever be.

posted 6 months ago

MIBR +Artzin

posted 6 months ago

jawg >> qck
Nature > saadhak mechanically but brain saadhak is god
apoth <<<<<<<<<< less
Supamen < Tuyz
Derrek <<<<<< Cau

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Yes you are right

posted 6 months ago

Call me Justin

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago
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